MMA is the only major sport whose fandom hates the athletes as a class of people

I honestly don't see why so many of you care one way or another. For a lot of people this just comes across as a way to get your fix of righteous rage. Whether they get a retirememt fund or not, I can't say I give a shit. But it has nothing to do with me hating anyone
By hate, I don't mean fans dislike specific fighters for particular reasons.
I mean hate as in like, as a category of people.

Yesterday we had a thread about a massively positive development for the well-being of fighters - California has passed legislation to take a tiny % of MMA ticket sales, and put it in a retirement fund for fighters.

Surely this development was met by fans with cheers and celebrations right? Fighters getting benefits? These people who destroy their bodies and brains for our entertainment getting a tiny semblance of long-term security?


It's "woke california bs"
It's "libtards gonna libtard"
It's "big gubbmint takin' our money again"

Every time there is a big thread about a fighter's union, half (or more) of the community tears the idea down. How dare fighter's come together to try and get decent treatment and pay! How dare they try and get guaranteed medical treatment! The poor little mom and pop multinational corporation of the UFC can't possibly afford such things!

I do not know what to take away from these sorts of messages from the MMA community, other than that a significant chunk of the fandom, or a small majority, just actually hate the fighters. They want the worst for them. They don't want them to share in a fair amount of the profits that they generate. They don't want them to have medical care. They don't want them to have pensions. If you don't want these things for fighters, you just hate the fighters.

I don't know of any other sports fandom that behaves like this. I don't know of any outrage or backlash from fans, when the NBA, MLB or NFL created players unions. Whenever I see in the news that baseball, basketball or football players have negotiated for some new benefit or upgrade to their contracts, that is it. It's just a news blip announcing that. I don't see any baseball fans going "OMG! Can you believe it Frank?! The MLBPA just negotiated for minimum contracts to be 500k instead of 300k! Disgusting!! What a bunch of woke bs!!"

I just do not get it. Why do you watch a sport where you actively hate the athletes you are watching? It's caveman neanderthal type shit.
''These people who destroy their bodies and brains for our entertainment''
You are so wrong about this one you little fanboy. They don't give a shit about your entertainment, they are doing it for money and fame. If you can't even understand that i don't know what to tell you
dude im gonna be honest this modern culture of fans hating the mma fighters makes me fucking sick and has actually turned me off to the sport a lot. I still love mixed martial arts but it just is hard for me to really get into it like i used to because its so toxic and hateful. these guys get locked in that cage and leave behind a piece of themselves they'll never get back and they do it for us and then we despise them for it i dunno man.
Do you really think they are doing it for you?
Does fighters say to themselves ''I'm want to be an MMA fighter and i will get money and fame'' or ''I want to be an MMA fighter so people can get entertained.''
Most sherbros in 2023 are shertards. Fat, uncoordinated goofs who have never excelled in any sport. They also praise the bald goof and any dumb shit he says or does. I would definitely expect them to despise any action that would benefit the fighters and hurt the company’s pockets. Someone has to pay for that Vegas driveway snow.
A lot of Americans are like crabs in a bucket. They don’t hate the athletes but they think everything in life is some zero sum game. Instead of asking “why aren’t I getting these benefits and how can I organize to get them” they want to tear others down to their level.
“why aren’t I getting these benefits and how can I organize to get them”
Or they are saying this and not caring about some random people
And if fighters are not saying this, why the fuck we need to say it?
Most sherbros in 2023 are shertards. Fat, uncoordinated goofs who have never excelled in any sport. They also praise the bald goof and any dumb shit he says or does. I would definitely expect them to despise any action that would benefit the fighters and hurt the company’s pockets. Someone has to pay for that Vegas driveway snow.
Nah, you born to kiss ass so when people say they don't care about fighters, you assume they are Dana fans. Just like when people talk shit to Danis, guys like you think they are Paul fans. But nope some people don't need to worship anyone so we can say both suck
Some mma fighters are no different than 13 years old K-pop fangirls, just because they watch MMA, they think they must worship to fighters no matter what. And i have to tell you i've shocked when i've heard some of you think fighters are doing it for our entertainment. I can't believe how someone be that dumb in 2023. Fighters don't give a fuck about their fight pay or other shit, so why the fuck we have to care for them?
Do you care about how much the workers get paid when you buy something? It's no different for me i don't have any emotional connection to fighters.
Let's say you work at very shitty job, pay is low and conditions are terrible. If you talk about this to your favorite fighter, do you think he would give a shit?
You guys have no honor.
Complete indifference to fighter pay or regulations involving it.

However you need to add a poll to verify your summation
I get what you're saying but that Cali legislation was neoliberal means tested BS that very few fighters will benefit from. The requirements to get that pension are steep af. Only fighters who fight in California based local shows can conceivably get it.

Not the right example.
I don't get the first part. So because California is run by criminals, fans hate the fighters? This does not follow logically TS. Get your emotions in check jeez.

I love the fighters myself. Especially the poors.
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I honestly don't see why so many of you care one way or another. For a lot of people this just comes across as a way to get your fix of righteous rage. Whether they get a retirememt fund or not, I can't say I give a shit. But it has nothing to do with me hating anyone
Because my love and appreciation for the sport goes beyond "haha big man hit other man and other man no move no more".

People become deeply invested in fictional characters. Star wars. Harry Potter. Game of thrones. Is it really that difficult to understand why fans want the best for actual real people who sacrifice their health for our enjoyment?
I get what you're saying but that Cali legislation was neoliberal means tested BS that very few fighters will benefit from. The requirements to get that pension are steep af. Only fighters who fight in California based local shows can conceivably get it.

Not the right example.
I mean, yeah 1000%.

But outside of actual solutions to the problem, all of which are leftist solutions like fighters unions, there are only neoliberal market based band aids like these.
“why aren’t I getting these benefits and how can I organize to get them”
Or they are saying this and not caring about some random people
And if fighters are not saying this, why the fuck we need to say it?
I guess if they don’t care they won’t complain about it on an online forum. Those aren’t the people being discussed in the OP
Some mma fighters are no different than 13 years old K-pop fangirls, just because they watch MMA, they think they must worship to fighters no matter what. And i have to tell you i've shocked when i've heard some of you think fighters are doing it for our entertainment. I can't believe how someone be that dumb in 2023. Fighters don't give a fuck about their fight pay or other shit, so why the fuck we have to care for them?
Do you care about how much the workers get paid when you buy something? It's no different for me i don't have any emotional connection to fighters.
Let's say you work at very shitty job, pay is low and conditions are terrible. If you talk about this to your favorite fighter, do you think he would give a shit?
You guys have no honor.
What an absolutely bizarre and incoherent post.

You outright tell everyone you don't give a fuck about other people. That you don't give two shits about the pay and conditions of the businesses you patronize. Then you wrap that up by telling others that they have no honor?

Yeah bro. Honor is having no care for your fellow man. That's what honor is.

Not all of us are brain broken mindless consumer zombies like you man. Many of us DO care about the pay and conditions of the businesses we give money to.

If I'm sitting at the bar at my local watering hole, and over time I hear from the waitstaff that the owner is doing horrible shit, I'm not going to keep going there and giving my money to a business owner that will use my money to do horrible shit. This isn't rocket science.

I'm just a little shocked how openly and willing you were to tell everyone you're kind of a piece of shit.
I feel like football and basketball players have been hated by a large majority of their fans for a while. The fans love the game, and entertainment while being pretty vocal about hating who the actual humans are.
Do you really think they are doing it for you?
Does fighters say to themselves ''I'm want to be an MMA fighter and i will get money and fame'' or ''I want to be an MMA fighter so people can get entertained.''
Until you've preformed at a live event in front of a crowd of people who are with you like that you would never understand.
The fact that random people online don’t care about the salary of other people shouldn’t surprise you.

You’re right, I don’t care what Khamzat Chimaev gets paid this Saturday. And Khamzat also doesn’t give a shit what I get paid at my job.

it doesn’t impact us. The weirdos are the guys who have made it their life goal to complain about fighter pay on the internet. It’s not helpful. You are just sad, strange little men.
Believe it or not but even though I'm not disabled, I believe in rights for the disabled and will support them just like I support fighters not getting screwed over by orgs/the UFC. If you find it weird standing up for each other I feel sorry for you.