MMA is the only major sport whose fandom hates the athletes as a class of people

California is about as liberal and capitalist as a state can get. Even this MMA fighter's pension fund is a neoliberal market based program, as others have pointed out. And as a leftist I don't like that. So I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Cali is the 13th largest economy on earth while simultaneously having one of the highest poverty rates for a US state. They have one of the highest concentrations of billionaires on earth. Numerous gargantuan tech and media corporations are headquartered there. Wtf is "woke" about any of that?

I like the random assortment of incongruous thoughts you threw out there with a political slant. Well done. Well done. You’ve put me in my place! I feel stupid now. Sheeeesh. Sigh.

Nothing else to be said or done here. I’ll just have to keep on looking forward to the upcoming fights this weekend!