The entire reason I wanted to learn how to fight was just for the freedom of being able to enjoy minding my own business without an endless supply of predictable dickheads trying to cleverly intervene between me and that right.
Every time I try to relax and convince myself that people aren't so bad, it's like a semitruck offloads a giant payload of these clowns to sober me right back out of my naivety. It sucks.
The other part that sucks (but could be worse) is that over here when these fuccboys initiate a fight, they never actually want to step up and see it through after all the pageantry they just went through, once they see you're game. I guess going to completion is where all the lawsuits, injuries, and jail-able offenses come into play so in a way it's good.
I don't enjoy the result of violence, but I do very much enjoy not having to be subject to the whim of every passing moron. Just being able and willing to cause hurt, even in a pussay era like this, is sadly still necessary and will remain so forever