You think Trump is a member of the Clinton family?
That didn't come up in 2016.
once again, those look like words. that doesn't look like a docket number to me, and i still have no idea what you are referencing.
after getting bitterly annoyed about the labels which the fraudy orange rapist has earned for himself throughout his years, are you trying to deflect and project, and imply without any evidence or merit, that the clinton's are rapists? stop beating around the bush here piss belt and go ahead and call them that and i will give you a nice little sendoff. get it off your mind bro. it'll make you feel better
i'm still not sure what claim you are referencing here about the clinton's. was it about them setting up some kind of satanic

phile ring killing babies and drinking their blood in the basement of a pizza shop that alex jones and the king of fake news jack psobiac once told you about outside of a courtroom?
i mean wild bill was wild. sure everybody knows that he got a blowie in the oval office from one of his interns, but who cares? you can't really blame him when he has a hag of a wife who looks like that right?
was it perhaps a real world crime committed by a real world person in the real world that you are referring to? if so, what's the docket number for one of these cases for reference here? name just one of them. i want to know about some real world crimes by real world people that were actually alleged in the real world. not just some more of your fantasies and fairy tales about the clinton's, obama, and your election fraud fairy.
or let me guess, you're not just talking rubbish, and whatever allegations you speak of were made in the parking lot of a landscaping store across the street from the dildo shop, and all the evidence against the clinton's was far too damning to bring to court right?