Just watched the first Resident Evil

CGI fake? I thought hers were barely there naturals.

Is the video game any good? Never tried any.
The first three are older survival horror games. Excellent for gamers who appreciate that genre but its a little niche and different from your average game so its not for everyone. They're worth a try because if you can appreciate them I hear they're amazing but they're not my kind of game.

RE4 is one of the greatest games of all time. It shifts the series more in the direction of action while maintaining elements of horror. The story is pretty shit but other than that its damn near perfect. The pacing, the mechanics, the enemies, the weapons, I can just go on and on. If you haven't played it, do yourself a favor and go do so ASAP.

RE 5&6 I hear are not very good though. 7 supposedly is better at least them the previous two, or so I hear.
The first three are older survival horror games. Excellent for gamers who appreciate that genre but its a little niche and different from your average game so its not for everyone. They're worth a try because if you can appreciate them I hear they're amazing but they're not my kind of game.

RE4 is one of the greatest games of all time. It shifts the series more in the direction of action while maintaining elements of horror. The story is pretty shit but other than that its damn near perfect. The pacing, the mechanics, the enemies, the weapons, I can just go on and on. If you haven't played it, do yourself a favor and go do so ASAP.

RE 5&6 I hear are not very good though. 7 supposedly is better at least them the previous two, or so I hear.

Don’t forget Code Veronica.

Game was tremendous on the Dreamcast. Played old school with good graphics for the time and had a decent story, character and monsters.

Also played RE2 which was also good, but dated as I completed Code Veronica before it.

RE5 was pretty good but nothing spectacular, especially considering that Dead Space 1&2 had been released around that time.
Don’t forget Code Veronica.

Game was tremendous on the Dreamcast. Played old school with good graphics for the time and had a decent story, character and monsters.

Also played RE2 which was also good, but dated as I completed Code Veronica before it.

RE5 was pretty good but nothing spectacular, especially considering that Dead Space 1&2 had been released around that time.
I only ever seriously played RE4. I tried a remastered version of RE1 and I just wasn't into the mechanics. Maybe if I tried it again with a different mindset I could get into them.

For a time I did want to play RE5 but from what I hear the Dead Space series is more a spiritual successor to RE4 than RE5 was.
The one that really gets me is Lord of the Rings. Petey has still never seen fucking Lord of the Rings!


GOAT films.

I rewatched the trilogy recently on ITV2
Bro, you had to own a Playstation 1 to understand.
It's unfathomable how much of a huge leap in technology gamers went through in gaming evolution.
We went from rinky dinky cartridges that you had to blow air in to get the game to play to CD-ROMS.
CD-ROMS bro!!! Do you understand!?!?!?
It's the equivalent of man inventing fire. It was the next step in evolution.
Resident Evil was among the first batch of games released within the first year of the Playstation.
It was unprecedented at the time because there was nothing else quite like it.
It was the first legit horror game that didn't rely on cheap scares for home consoles.

I went from Amstad to Mega Drive to Saturn to Dreamcast to Xbox to Xbox 360 to PC, then life got in the way.

Biggest leap for me was going through the Official Sega Saturn magazine and seeing concept images of Metropolis Street Racer (before it was overhauled), Sega Rally 2 and Virtua Fighter 3. Then I played Sonic Adventure in the local Toys R’Us and was blown away.

The problem with Resident Evil as I recall, was that it didn’t really come too close to the source material.
I only ever seriously played RE4. I tried a remastered version of RE1 and I just wasn't into the mechanics. Maybe if I tried it again with a different mindset I could get into them.

For a time I did want to play RE5 but from what I hear the Dead Space series is more a spiritual successor to RE4 than RE5 was.

I wanted to play RE4, as well as the remastered Resident Evils for GameCube, but that would have required me to buy a GameCube, when I had an XBox. I used to be firmly in the SEGA camp and never really liked Nintendo’s franchises aside from Pokemon, plus Nintendo had a history of being shit when it came to third party games, so I didn’t want to buy the console.

RE5 is worth a play through. It is a bit clunky compared to Dead Space but it does have its positives. Get it cheap.
I wanted to play RE4, as well as the remastered Resident Evils for GameCube, but that would have required me to buy a GameCube, when I had an XBox. I used to be firmly in the SEGA camp and never really liked Nintendo’s franchises aside from Pokemon, plus Nintendo had a history of being shit when it came to third party games, so I didn’t want to buy the console.

RE5 is worth a play through. It is a bit clunky compared to Dead Space but it does have its positives. Get it cheap.
RE4 has been ported to PC and I suggest you check it out. I'm sure it'll get on sale through steam and I truly believe what I said earlier about it being one of the greatest games of all time. I think I've played it through, between both the Gamecube and PC version, like 4-5 times and I have been itching to play it again recently. Just so fucking good, maybe my favorite game of all time really.
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I got dragged to about 3 of those atrocities when the old lady and I were dating.

Obviously, she was really hot.
Video game movies are almost destined to suck. Games have stories that fit their mechanics and structure, which are entirely different from movies. Same reason why movies adapted into games also suck though there are probably more exception going from film to game than vice versa.

It blows me away at how many people can't grasp this.

"Make an MGS movie! It's so easy. The stories are perfect!"

"So, you want a movie that needs 9000 codec conversations to explain the plot to you? Gonna be a sinch to cut that 15-20 hour experience into a nice, tidy 100 minutes, or so? How do you suppose they go about explaining how Liquid Snake now resides in Revolver Ocelot's arm? Don't you think Snake fighting a man with frog genetics might look a little silly in live action?"
I watched Resident Evil The Final Chapter last night, i knew it would be bad but fuck me it was truly awful.

Incomprehensible action scenes(2-3 cuts a second during fight scenes, extreme close ups) some of the worst editing i've ever seen.
terrible wooden acting and paper thin characters just used to advance to the next shitty action scene.
Everybody was a clone, cop out ending.

normally i don't mind these b-movie action films but this was a 2/10 experience

There was one singular shining moment and I can't believe there isn't a gif floating around of it yet. I need to just go ahead and d/l the movie to make one.

The scene I'm referring to is when Jovovich is fighting whatever the doctor's name is; he like 'scans' the fight possibilities and and it comes up '100% SUCESS RATE', then he smiles to the camera and tips his glass of whiskey.

It was so outlandishly absurd in a movie that was already preposterous that it forever won an endearing moment in my heart.

I got dragged to about 3 of those atrocities when the old lady and I were dating.

Obviously, she was really hot.
Wait, you got dragged to RE movies by your gf? Top kek, definitely was a keepr.
It blows me away at how many people can't grasp this.

"Make an MGS movie! It's so easy. The stories are perfect!"

"So, you want a movie that needs 9000 codec conversations to explain the plot to you? Gonna be a sinch to cut that 15-20 hour experience into a nice, tidy 100 minutes, or so? How do you suppose they go about explaining how Liquid Snake now resides in Revolver Ocelot's arm? Don't you think Snake fighting a man with frog genetics might look a little silly in live action?"
That's why I think it works better to adapt from film to game than from game to film even though the former also have a bad reputation. I think its easier to successfully add to a story than to remove key parts. Take Spiderman 2. Not a perfect game but pretty good by movie-game standards and it worked because Spiderman has so many great villains they just had to add some to the game to fill out the extra time. I thought the game for Dinosaur was a good game as a kid too and it was a similar case there. They just added more dinosaurs to fill out the experience. Don't know how it holds up today but looking back it seems to be a well designed game.
CGI fake? I thought hers were barely there naturals.

Is the video game any good? Never tried any.

Depends. The older games have a very archaic design, but are considered the truest RE experience. I personally don't think they've aged well, and anyone unfamiliar with their mechanics and design, will give up pretty quickly. The environment is essentially one big puzzle, and has some ridiculous solutions. Also, it being survivor horror, your ammo and item slots are limited, but you can store items in chests strewn about the levels, but there is a tedious amount of backtracking required to utilize everything, and it can get pretty chore like.

If you want to try one out, start with RE4. It's the most accessible. Although, even it's mechanics are pretty dated by today's standards. Namely, not being able to run and gun. When you have to shoot, you got stop, take aim, fire. It works to create tension, but I could see people more familiar with new games, thinking it's an unfair handicap. You get used to it though. The only real annoying part of the game, is it's emphasis on being one big escort mission. All in all though, it holds up pretty good.
RE4 has been ported to PC and I suggest you check it out. I'm sure it'll get on sale through steam and as I truly believe what I said earlier about it being one of the greatest games of all time. I think I've played it through, between both the Gamecube and PC version, like 4-5 times and I have been itching to play it again recently. Just so fucking good, maybe my favorite game of all time really.

I have to get myself a new rig before I can play anything. I’m PCless right now. I’m pretty underwhelmed with games in general now and only want to play GTA Online (first person only) and Monster Hunter World (Monster Hunter Freedom Unite was the last game that I got sucked into).

It blows me away at how many people can't grasp this.

"Make an MGS movie! It's so easy. The stories are perfect!"

"So, you want a movie that needs 9000 codec conversations to explain the plot to you? Gonna be a sinch to cut that 15-20 hour experience into a nice, tidy 100 minutes, or so? How do you suppose they go about explaining how Liquid Snake now resides in Revolver Ocelot's arm? Don't you think Snake fighting a man with frog genetics might look a little silly in live action?"

A lot of games have a shitload of backstory to explain certain things and as said, movies just don’t have the time to explain this and that. Honestly, book adaptions are better for video games than film. Action games like a Resident Evil should be a lock-in for decent adaptions, but they got the tone all wrong. Mortal Kombat was decent for what it was, a mid 90s, cheesy action-fest. I still think that Doom can transition well.

Depends. The older games have a very archaic design, but are considered the truest RE experience. I personally don't think they've aged well, and anyone unfamiliar with their mechanics and design, will give up pretty quickly. The environment is essentially one big puzzle, and has some ridiculous solutions. Also, it being survivor horror, your ammo and item slots are limited, but you can store items in chests strewn about the levels, but there is a tedious amount of backtracking required to utilize everything, and it can get pretty chore like.

If you want to try one out, start with RE4. It's the most accessible. Although, even it's mechanics are pretty dated by today's standards. Namely, not being able to run and gun. When you have to shoot, you got stop, take aim, fire. It works to create tension, but I could see people more familiar with new games, thinking it's an unfair handicap. You get used to it though. The only real annoying part of the game, is it's emphasis on being one big escort mission. All in all though, it holds up pretty good.

I think that the reason why RE5 felt so clunky was because I couldn’t run and gun, and because of that it felt claustrophobic, especially when coming off Dead Space 2.
There was one singular shining moment and I can't believe there isn't a gif floating around of it yet. I need to just go ahead and d/l the movie to make one.

The scene I'm referring to is when Jovovich is fighting whatever the doctor's name is; he like 'scans' the fight possibilities and and it comes up '100% SUCESS RATE', then he smiles to the camera and tips his glass of whiskey.

It was so outlandishly absurd in a movie that was already preposterous that it forever won an endearing moment in my heart.


Yeah that was totally retarded.
Depends. The older games have a very archaic design, but are considered the truest RE experience. I personally don't think they've aged well, and anyone unfamiliar with their mechanics and design, will give up pretty quickly. The environment is essentially one big puzzle, and has some ridiculous solutions. Also, it being survivor horror, your ammo and item slots are limited, but you can store items in chests strewn about the levels, but there is a tedious amount of backtracking required to utilize everything, and it can get pretty chore like.

If you want to try one out, start with RE4. It's the most accessible. Although, even it's mechanics are pretty dated by today's standards. Namely, not being able to run and gun. When you have to shoot, you got stop, take aim, fire. It works to create tension, but I could see people more familiar with new games, thinking it's an unfair handicap. You get used to it though. The only real annoying part of the game, is it's emphasis on being one big escort mission. All in all though, it holds up pretty good.
Good breakdown. My brother fell in love with those old survival horror games like Silent Hill so I figure he'd love RE1-3 but you're right, most won't.

I think RE4's mechanics are a brilliant compromise between that kind of game and more modern action games. The fact that you have to choose to either shoot or run creates tension as you said and I think its one of the better aspects of the design. That's balanced with the 180 turn you can do to create more distance. At first I was a bit annoyed with the mechanics but it grew on me quickly and in hindsight I see the value in its design. You're right that the escort aspect gets annoying but I also think you get used to it and plus, there are significant portions of the game where Ashley and you are separated so its not a constant hassle.
It blows me away at how many people can't grasp this.

"Make an MGS movie! It's so easy. The stories are perfect!"

"So, you want a movie that needs 9000 codec conversations to explain the plot to you? Gonna be a sinch to cut that 15-20 hour experience into a nice, tidy 100 minutes, or so? How do you suppose they go about explaining how Liquid Snake now resides in Revolver Ocelot's arm? Don't you think Snake fighting a man with frog genetics might look a little silly in live action?"
That being said though, I do think Hideo Kojima should take a crack at making movies after seeing his Death Stranding trailers. Even if that game turns out to suck ass those trailers are works of art.
They make a lot of money, also Milla Jovovich's husband is the director. What a fucking plebeian, married to such a beauty and all he can think to do with her and his job as a director is to have her star in these shitty films. I guess he made them both a boatload of money but still...

Milla's very invested in them as well. You should listen to her talk about them. She's into it.
Milla's very invested in them as well. You should listen to her talk about them. She's into it.

She's into it like Ian Ziering is into Sharknado. WTF else is she going to do that people might watch now?