Jon would be a complete idiot to not take the Stipe fight if he's getting paid 15 million for it

I can't imagine Jon is getting $15 Million for anything. Maybe with PPV points if it does UFC 229 numbers.
No not a chance in hell. UFC was offering Francis 8 million (supposedly allegedly). Whoever created those fake text messages saying this screwed up when they went with a 15 million amount. That shit isn't believable. Dana? 15 million? Dana developed a crack addiction?
Jones will be 37yrs old before he fights again. He's pretty old for a fighter. Fedor was already pretty washed up by then even though he kept fighting and sullying his legacy.
Haters would love nothing more than for Jones to keep on fighting so when he finally does lose they can say he was never that good. Hell, they already do it now.
I don't disagree, it's a great deal in terms of effort+risk/reward but we gotta be smart and not put our PPV $ towards it, vote with your wallet against these dumb title fights to make them stop happening
according to his haters its an idiotic move

fighting tom who has meh accomplishments with lower pay
is better
than 15 m fighting the HW goat
I think he’d get that amount no matter who he fought. It’s still ducking the IC, and hand picking Stipe.
The point though is that the unification bout will always be there, assuming Jon beats Stipe. If Jon fought Tom now, the Stipe fight goes away, win or lose. It's easy payday with potential harder paydays after, vs. hard payday with no easy payday. I get that nobody wants it, myself included, but like I said, it makes sense for him.
Are you sure about that money?
Thats like 20$/ppv if this bs sell 750k.
Jones vs DC 2 did like 860k.

Ofcourse total income is more than ppv but still. We know fighters cut is small piece with this promotion.
Even if it's not 15, it'll still be a multimillion dollar payday, and will still make sense for Jon.
Well sure, I'm not saying Jon is going to make peanuts. But what this number does do is basically invalidate any legitimacy those fake messages had. We can discard that whole thing because such a number like 15 million is total horseshit. Dana would have to completely lose his mind and develop a heroin and crack addiction to pay Jon 15 million for this.
Because he isn't getting 15 milion and he gets the same salary vs Aspinal, his contract didn't change. Just Stipe might sell a few more PPVs. And is less threatening.

Stipe by KO into a coma and skull surgery to relief pressure. Jon suffers a broken neck.
What moron pays for these things in 2024 anyways?
I paid for 298, 299, and 300 via sports bar cover charges, no regrets and no problem paying to fund excellent cards like those
I highly doubt he’s getting paid that much.

Not to mention, if the ufc spends that much money on a useless gimmick fight then it will hurt them going forward (hopefully mcgregor gives them some good earnings at least)

Jones was aiming for this fight b4 “15 million” was ever on the table so regardless he’s been working hard for this cherrypick
That's like twice what they offered him for Ngannou lol, wtf. No way he's ever going to fight the winner of Aspinall vs Blaydes if he can fight Stipe for that much.
I call BS on that number, total BS, he isnt selling 1 million PPV against Stipe's corpse, i think his biggest PPV made like 1 million, against DC, with the brawl and all the build up, so i would love to hear an explanation to that number, no way he gets paid that much, Ngannou's number i believe included an estimate PPV cut, no way Jones gets double that.
I call BS on that number, total BS, he isnt selling 1 million PPV against Stipe's corpse, i think his biggest PPV made like 1 million, against DC, with the brawl and all the build up, so i would love to hear an explanation to that number, no way he gets paid that much, Ngannou's number i believe included an estimate PPV cut, no way Jones gets double that.
The UFC has been shelling out way more cash for the biggest draws in recent years, idk about $15m tho. I feel like 10 years ago the offer would be like $500k max lol
He would be a moron to take a fight with Aspinall, who is a big HW, in his prime, and has not yet an established legacy behind. Why risk his undefeated record as the GOAT, when he knows he himself is past his prime and on his way out. He will add Stipe to his legacy column of wins, make a fortune, and walk into the sunset. The risk of Aspinall is simply not worth it.
if he's getting 15 million for it, then why in the hell wouldn't he want this?
Because Jon Jones is an insecure egomaniac and if he goes with this route, he will never hear the end of ducking Aspinall for the rest of his life. It will slowly eat at him even though he will put a on good face publicly.