lol. Jon is a bum. He did not even prove he is top 10 at HW. Taking the guy with the worst TDD in HW division down after Gane missed a punch and turned his back on jones, is not proof that jones can beat any of the top 10 fighters not named Gane. Hell, even gane probably beats him if he doesn't turn his back to him when he misses a punch.
Jones lost to a 1 knee Santos and Reyes. That's all I need to say.
At HW? I mean, at LHW, he fought DC twice, and then fought a up and comer at that time in Reyes. Yes he probably lost that Reyes fight, but I don't think he was protected."Is heavyweight that boring without me"
No one will beg you to fight if you aren't holding the title hostage, Jon. That's the issue at large. People wouldn't even care that he's taking "legacy fights" like Stipe, if not for him turning the title into a joke. He could go on and face the other greatest HWs for all I care in Randy and Dan Severn afterward for all I give a shit, just give the title back since you aren't interested in facing the interim champion, let alone contenders.
People bring up Poatan, but without a doubt Jon is the most protected champion in recent history, bar none.
Sherdog peeps being Sherdog peeps...Jon's just selling the fight in future. Isn't this what all the cool-kid fighters are doing? Chill out, Sherbros!