As a Chaos Colby defector, I was been very much fear full of what maybe happen should he become victory. Many people they do not know this, but fan of his they was subject to many much propaganda through his social media postings. In these posting, he was destroy confidence of the people by call them thing such as nerd-virgin and then sell them energy bang for profit from their depressive state. He also was glamour lifestyle of
#SexualDeviancy and frivolous spending of moneys stolen from the wallets of loyal fans, which they was now so poor they cannot afford to emulate.
Truly, this it was
#VerySad and not the way of a True Leader! But remain hope full all my
#UFCFriend, because when Eternal Champion
#DonaldTrump take office and create
#GlobalUnification, we will see rise of many more glorious combatant from Unified US such as Tomàs Aspinall, Choi Doo-ho, Ian Garry, Craig Paul, and many other Great Americans who will inspire strength and courage for The People! Together, under HIS leadership, we will see brighter future filled with unity and victory!
To make this future happen, please speak with your local Political Leader today and demand
#SupportUnification ! Together, we build future of greatness for all!
#Area51 #YesWeCanada #UKanDoIt #Koreamerica #RhodeIreland #Kenyamerica #PowerSlap