Media Joanna Responds To Zhang's IG Post Regarding The Coronavirus Joke

I'm actually fine with her apologizing. Sometimes you post some stupid shit and then you realize it was a mistake.
Not sure why most of you see it as a bad thing that someone apologizes. Many people don't have that in themselves to apologize after
posting stupid shit.

- She's sorry to make Zhang feel bad
- Would never make fun of sick people or virus
- Didn't want Zhang to get offended
- Was making fun of internet meme

I no make fun of anyfing, I never mack fun of sick peepewl. I juz pose a meme I fought was funny because it made fun of sick people.
Guys thinking Zhang will win based on some divine power of wokeness punishing Joanna for liking someone's joke, I don't think it works like that though.
Thecorona virus is a serious issue, the kung flu should not be spoken of jokingly.
I'm actually fine with her apologizing. Sometimes you post some stupid shit and then you realize it was a mistake.
Not sure why most of you see it as a bad thing that someone apologizes. Many people don't have that in themselves to apologize after
posting stupid shit.
We are talking about people here who would rather spend a year personally attacking you out of the blue even if you haven't written to or about them in forever just out of spite to see if they can get a rise out of you then immediately act hurt in real life when you return the favor.

These motherfuckers can dish it but can't take it.

- She's sorry to make Zhang feel bad
- Would never make fun of sick people or virus
- Didn't want Zhang to get offended
- Was making fun of internet meme

Thank you, TS. Now I can sleep tonight.
Guys thinking Zhang will win based on some divine power of wokeness punishing Joanna for liking someone's joke, I don't think it works like that though.
Willy was already going to win, but now the Crypt Keeper has zero chance.
A bit rich a Chinese person getting uppity about jokes about the virus. How about ye clean up yer acts and stop creating these super viruses in the first place, then you won't have to deal with the memes.
Yeah cause that's China's general populations fault? I'm sure Zhang has all the ability to stop the super virus on her own...

This is the picture I guess. Don't see anything fun about it.
Joanna getting her ass knocked out would be a pretty cool meme though.
That is way better than I expected.

This is the picture I guess. Don't see anything fun about it.
Joanna getting her ass knocked out would be a pretty cool meme though.

Joanna needs the gas mask for all that shit she be spewing.
A bit rich a Chinese person getting uppity about jokes about the virus. How about ye clean up yer acts and stop creating these super viruses in the first place, then you won't have to deal with the memes.
Lol you're one dumb Conrad cuckboi. The Chinese didnt created any super virus, it jumped from livestock to people, moron

- She's sorry to make Zhang feel bad
- Would never make fun of sick people or virus
- Didn't want Zhang to get offended
- Was making fun of internet meme

Its good she apologized.
Oh wow she apologized? Still can't wait for Zhang to break her face.
Yeah cause that's China's general populations fault? I'm sure Zhang has all the ability to stop the super virus on her own...

You know sars, h1n1 and now coronavirus are all from shit eating habits right? Snakes and fucking bats...

Whats next vultures?
Twitter is blowing up over this, virtue signallers signaling all over the place.
I'm actually fine with her apologizing. Sometimes you post some stupid shit and then you realize it was a mistake.
Not sure why most of you see it as a bad thing that someone apologizes. Many people don't have that in themselves to apologize after
posting stupid shit.
It was a non apology.
I think a big reason why so many woke snowfakes are up in arms about this is because they are lazy and don't know anything about China. They don't realize that they are in effect helping to carry water for the CCP who caused the outbreak in the first place through their failed policies on hygiene, TCM and prioritizing public order over the safety of its own citizens.