Locked I have two weeks left to live.

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But then I started reading anecdotes from workers at hospices that say when the end is near people start to smell, not just those with liver problems so I won’t bother speculating anymore.
This sounds about right. To be honest, I was somewhat in denial about this but now that you laid it out there it's impossible to ignore. Yes, death has a smell and it's unlike anything else.
I have a story I feel is worthy of that place. I have thought about taking a vacation down to Texas just to see the sights, go see NASA in Houston, etc, but also would love to tell that story. How does it work there? Do they have open mic ever or is it only the Kill Tony 1 min thing?

Sundays and Mondays they do open mics, bout 200 people sign up and we pick 16 people randomly.
Why are you talking like this? I'm not alone. A reeking pile of mush?! wtf.
I had a family member who was distant and didn't tell anyone about anything and they were only found due to the smell. I don't want the same fate for you or your loved ones.
If you are still there my friend, I just want to know how much pain are you in right now out of 10? 10 being the worst pain imaginable.
If you had more time, I'd say go out like my dad did. 1 year before he knew he'd die of leukemia (in 1992) he went to the same car lot that sold him a lemon 4 years prior. Bought a brand new corvette right off the lot. Had less than 4 miles on it.

After 6 months he stopped making payments on it and was able to drive it around til he passed away. Had a buddy from out of state to come snag the keys from a secret location and drive it away to never be seen again.

Anyways, just spend time with family since you have little time left. Create a will if you don't already have one. You don't want the state to automatically inherit everything.
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That is not what happens when a person dies without a will.
Maybe he meant with no inheritors alive/around?

If no family members can be located or want to bother with your possessions then the city will auction off all belongings. Happens to the elderly here all the time when they pass.
I had a family member who was distant and didn't tell anyone about anything and they were only found due to the smell. I don't want the same fate for you or your loved ones.
Stop pushing Aunt Edna on me!
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