Elections How I hacked an election | New York Times

You will get no intelligent conversation on this. You will just get hit with people calling you a whiner and saying orange man bad. Cheating does not matter as long as “their person” wins.
Old man bad, china interfered, fraud
no need to get emotional. the recording is more than a red flag, it's rock solid evidence of fraud and breaking state laws. maybe after you're done tripping you can objectively look at it.

as for the hacker story, how is it not a red flag? democrats said there was election interference, hackers verified that the doors are open indeed to election interference, counting anomalies indicate that there might have been and thus an investigation would be a reasonable idea. if the investigation finds nothing, fine, but being 100% against investigation after democrats and republicans unanimously claim there is election interference, and hackers show there easily can be, shouldn't a proper investigation be the right thing to do?

Dude, just stop. The Republican senate blocked all bills relating to election security. There's no point in whining about it now. Those bills are still available for them to pass any time they want.

Dude, just stop. The Republican senate blocked all bills relating to election security. There's no point in whining about it now. Those bills are still available for them to pass any time they want.
As I said before, show the content of the bills here.
You will get no intelligent conversation on this. You will just get hit with people calling you a whiner and saying orange man bad. Cheating does not matter as long as “their person” wins.

You mean like all of the Trumpers did when the U.S. Government displayed CONCRETE proof that Russia interfered with our election to favor Trump?

Get outta here with that, man.
It's also cute how this was posted by the New York Times, which literally just ran a headline claiming there was no existence of voter fraud...winning is all that matters to them...

Just be cause a thing is possible doesn't mean it necessarily happened.

It's possible for you to go to the moon, but you haven't been there right?
You mean like all of the Trumpers did when the U.S. Government displayed CONCRETE proof that Russia interfered with our election to favor Trump?

Get outta here with that, man.
That was a shit show and this is a shit show. Neither incidents will have a decent discussion or debate about it. They are always just monkey shit flinging contests.
Disseminate disinformation. Sew confusion. Sew doubt. Destabilize institutions and the democracy.

This is what "proud Americans" are all engaged in right now.

Because their Orange Dear Leader lost. :(
1. It's "sow" as in "you reap what you sow."

2. Sounds a lot like 2016 when Hitlery lost and all the libtards went from pearl clutching and screaming about nuclear war with Russia, to Trump is a Russian agent.

Pick a fairytale and stick to it.
Trump lost fair and square. That’s what he gets for encouraging his stupid dick sucking followers to vote in person rather then by mail (which is what Democrats mostly did) during a fucking virus epidemic. Y’all need to stop acting like sore losers and take the L with class instead of like bitches.

Cause you libtards sure took that L in 2016 with class, and certainly not like sore loser, sky screaming bitches, right?

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Most software/ hardware can be reverse engineered given enough time. Older election software is going to be a lot easier. That being said it seems farfetched that someone reverse engineered the software and reinstalled their own on thousands of machines across the country.

In the end they need to update their election software.

And if anyone is a huge nerd like me you can follow these guys on Twitter. They have good videos about election security and are a popular village at defcon.

liberals don't care. they're notorious at cheating at elections. winning is all that matters to them. they don't give a shit about the country, democracy, the constitution, or the people. they just want power and control.
What elections have “ liberals”cheated in?
''We'll censor their tweets and use our algorithms to manipulate the public''.
''Delete fast growing conservative accounts, we can't let them defeat us with their reasoning''
''Label their opinions as misinformation to spread mistrust''.
''Always blame race for everything then we can blame racism on Trump.''
''I know this police shooting was legitimate but lets just pretend it only happened because the suspect was black and it's Trump's fault''
''Label them as racist if they speak out against rioting. Riots can help make Trump look bad and then we can get power''.
''Label them as sexist if they don't recognize 71 genders''.
''I'm going to stop the rollout of a vaccine while Trump is in power because I don't want to save vulnerable people's lives and make him look good''.
''We should make a list of everyone who supported our political opponent so we can DOX them, then call them the fascists like today is backwards day lol''

When a political party uses these tactics to get into power you know they ain't the good guys...
That was a shit show and this is a shit show. Neither incidents will have a decent discussion or debate about it. They are always just monkey shit flinging contests.

It was still proven by the U.S. intelligence branch of our Government. Yeah, it wasn't wrapped up in a nice package with a neat little bow, but it was still there.
Cause you libtards sure took that L in 2016 with class, and certainly not like sore loser, sky screaming bitches, right?

Ok, let’s compare: by this time 4 years ago Hillary had conceded the election and asked her followers to accept the results. Obama had welcomed Trump to the White House and offered to assist with the transition. No Obama cabinet member was openly referring to a transition to a Clinton administration.

On the other hand, Trump refuses to concede in the face of a clear loss. He instead does what he can to hamper the President-elect’s efforts to get up to speed on national security and on the virus...which hasn’t actually disappeared.

Trump is only continuing this mirage to bilk his supporters out of a few last dollars to retire his campaign debt.
1. It's "sow" as in "you reap what you sow."

A "sow" is also a female pig, broseph. And, uh, I was just testing people. :)

2. Sounds a lot like 2016 when Hitlery lost and all the libtards went from pearl clutching and screaming about nuclear war with Russia, to Trump is a Russian agent.

Already explained why that analogy is completely and utterly off the mark. Not even remotely comparable to a president that has yet to concede his loss and the pure diarrhea that is currently spewing from the most powerful lawmakers in the GOP in support of his delusions.
The polls were off on purpose, to manipulate people into thinking that it's not worth voting for Trump because he's losing any way. This is another form of election interference by the media. Create the illusion that their adversary has no chance.

Cool I’m glad they did that. Is it time to ban polling?

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