Opinion How can we truly end Mexico's cartels and drug wars?

Mexico would need to become a police state for some time, not this quasi democracy where corruption is through the roof.

they should suspend all civil rights, massive arrests of all those affiliated with cartels n in worse case scenario have death squads getting rid of anybody affiliated with cartels.

basically any type of cartel affiliation would be a death sentence

It is already a death sentence
Without goint the Mao or Stalin/Putin route. Which is for the government to infilitrate and kill everyone.

Is it to become a mafia state? The government agents empower 1 cartel to take out the others. And then infilitrate that cartel and take it out and then any oligarchs left become agents of the state to do the governments bidding

Not to get too technical, but I'd suggest that there is no concerted Stalin/Putin route. Putin is a thug. He's killed dozens, hundreds, possibly even thousands of his political opponents. Stalin murdered millions via concerted famines.

The reason I think that matters in such a discussion is that one can be heavy-handed, perhaps like a Putin or whatever other strong man you might choose, without being genocidal like Stalin, Mao, or Hitler.
It is already a death sentence

But not a Stalinist or Maoist police state. It does seem maybe this is the only way. I was asking without going this way though originally
Not to get too technical, but I'd suggest that there is no concerted Stalin/Putin route. Putin is a thug. He's killed dozens, hundreds, possibly even thousands of his political opponents. Stalin murdered millions via concerted famines.

The reason I think that matters in such a discussion is that one can be heavy-handed, perhaps like a Putin or whatever other strong man you might choose, without being genocidal like Stalin, Mao, or Hitler.

Some corrections.

1) The famine was largelly accidental. Stalin did send many to the gulags but the evidence suggests Stalin didnt intend for mass famine.

2) Putin is not a thug and has saved Russia from hyper capitalism and mafia state oligarchy and corruption in the 90s. He doesnt kill those who criticize him and gay clubs operate in Moscow. He is also tolerant to some immigrants depending on their origins. I see no evidence for thousands of political opponents dying. Now spies and those liberals promoting an agenda against the Russian constitution or law may be subject to legal arrest.

You think that will fully do it?

I think I agree. Seems to me that any strong attempt to neuter the cartels has to start with the source of their financial power. Someone is going to get filthy rich off of the cocaine trade. After the US arrested Noriega, state level actors realized it couldn't be them. An unintended consequence of that has been the destabilization of some state level actors.
I don't think you can totally "end" the cartels, even with legalization. Ending prohabition did not end the italian american mafia, they had accumulated so much money and power that they became ingrained in the system and the fabric of society and culture. The cartels are pretty crafty I'm sure they will find other pies to stick their fingers in.

We can however "contain" them and other trans national criminal organziations. Limit their power and influence. Through legalization in america and through decreasing poverty and corruption in their base of operations.

So all we need is a potus candidate who runs on legalizing narcotics and on giving many billions to make latin america a better place. Lol... yeah I know.. not happening.
Legalize, Regulate, Tax.... I am not a fan of the last two words, but sometimes they are the best option.
A stronger Mexican state + drug legalization in the US.
We can't. Only when the Mexican people decide they don't want to live under a narco state will it change.
The cartels and the Mexican govt are CIA puppets who were propped by them in the first place so the US can justify its presence in Latin America. Go figure..
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Exactly. It's just supply and demand. I'm sure the cartels would move into other areas, but their income would drop massively and therefore their power will fade.

drug use has been increasing in the western world - aint no one stopping using drugs, just like people aint stopping drinking

the only answer is legalization - there are countries that pulled it of successfully, copy their model

US states have legalized weed and immediately mexican cartels felt the lose in income having to compete with US growers (who had better quality goods)

war on drugs is a failure since its been going on for 4 decades now without ANY results (other than making cartels, CIA and everyone else dealing with black market richer)
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You can’t stop it because there is way too much money involved.

Nuking the cartels from orbit would be the only way to be sure.
As long as drugs are consumed it will be here, it’s not going anywhere,
It’s only going to get more sophisticated at the top and violent at the bottom, stay safe because the storm is coming