Having kids...

Being a dad is one of the greatest things ever.

You have inferior DNA.
is overrated and in general drastically lowers your quality of life. Anyone who argues against this is deluded. Between the sleep deprivation, additional cost of living including insane daycare prices, and dealing with tantrums several times a day, missing obligations because no sitter, etc; children in no way bring joy to one’s life.

Change. My. Mind.

You don't have kids so stop pretending you know.
Their pretty good for rolling joints and driving me home drunk from the bars. But I got two of the good ones I guess....
9 and 14 respectively
I have a grown daughter. It's magical blah blah blah miracles of life they are etc etc

And they are also annoying and expensive

And messy
Probably for the best that you stick to your conviction on this one. Self-centred pricks make the worst parents.
Lol harsh. But yeah. This applies to me too, but I have enough self awareness to realize where the issue really is.
As you get older crap stops being fun. You've seen that before, you've done that before, and you basically have to fake being excited about slightly different scenery or something you have already done a bunch. From a selfish perspective, having kids allows you to get a small glimpse of that exciting first time for everything again. You can see the real excitement that you will never have again.
They are a pain in the hole........... but they are my pain in the hole.
I haven't noticed it being more expensive, but then we're well off. The free time thing ain't so much of an issue, my wife and kids were away for two days and I was bored tbh.

The first few years are rough but also the most rewarding.

The idea that it wasn't worth it is honestly laughable, like I just laughed out loud when I thought about it just now, writing this. But then I wanted kids, and it's everything I hoped for.
The cost didn’t really effect us after our first. But after the twins were born, you know how it is. 200 diapers a week. More when they were sick.

My wife had severe mastitis too so we had to use formula. That was pricey.
I had one daughter my last year of highschool. It was pretty easy as my ex did almost everything since I was going to school and working full time. She was doing nothing.

My next child was my son and if it was up to me I wouldn't have had another kid. I did it mainly for my wife who is 7 years younger than me and always wanted like 3 kids. I told her we would see what we could afford. Anyways we had my son and it's honestly been 10x better than I could have imagined. It was hard at first with the sleeping but that ended after about 3 months.

He hardly throw tantrums and if he does IDGAF I just turn the TV up and let him cry. My daughter is 16 so we have a baby sitter at all times. My wife works nights so we don't need daycare.
I have never loved anything or anyone as much as I love my two kids and no one has ever gave me more purpose in life.
is overrated and in general drastically lowers your quality of life. Anyone who argues against this is deluded. Between the sleep deprivation, additional cost of living including insane daycare prices, and dealing with tantrums several times a day, missing obligations because no sitter, etc; children in no way bring joy to one’s life.

Change. My. Mind.

I feel like you are trolling with this thread.

Having my son was the single greatest thing I've done with my life and it rewards me daily as I watch him grow. I will say that I haven't noticed the cost, nor do I care as the wife and I get by fairly comfortably.

There eventually will come a day when I will shake his hand, hug him as I watch him move out of the house and into his own life. And all those walks to the park we have now and the looking up to me for guidance will be lost in time and distant memories.

They think of you as the world right now. The person who has the answers to everything. You are their security blanket, their best friend and pillar of support because you are "the dad". Nobody else thinks of you in this way.

The time goes by quick. You should enjoy it while you have it.
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I love being dad. I have a 5 month old and she's pretty dope. Wouldn't change a thing.

With that being said, parenting isn't/shouldn't be for everyone.
If I could have done it all again I would have avoided women completely and joined a monastery.
When I was younger I had similar thoughts and feelings as the TS (except I was far less cunty). But all the cliches are true and having a kid if life changing and "sacrifices" don't feel like sacrifices at all.
Please don't reproduce...you probably never get laid so we don't have to worry about it anyway though...
I have a grown daughter. It's magical blah blah blah miracles of life they are etc etc

And they are also annoying and expensive

And messy

Sounds like someone's daughter had may have explored her daddy issues in high school.
I have two boys, a 4 year old and a 1 year old. I agree with every word TS wrote. Having kids makes each day a constantly annoying joyless living nightmare of clutter and empty pockets with no free time and no end in sight. If its something youre considering, dont do it, dont listen to the ones who say its great. Its a trap!
I took the training wheels off of my daughters bike Saturday and she probably went 75 yds first try. Then Sunday my 3.5 month old son tried baby food for the time and I got to see his face light up

I’m about to turn 40 and they’re the only things that give me absolute happiness at this point in life. We’ve got a few friends that say they don’t want kids, I hope their next few years are worth it because I’ve never met someone close to the end of their life that never had kids and didn’t sound like they regretted it once it was too late