green tea


Feb 12, 2005
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i thought i would be healthy and get some
fuck it tastes disgusting
do you guys add anything to the stuff?
ie sugar, honey, milk?
nope. just plain. get cold bottled arizona. tastes good, just dont drink alot of it
At first its gross, then you get used to it. Then you crave it. I have no sugar or sweetener in any of my drinks though.

Small doses to start, its worth it.
you do get used to it,at first it tastes like bitter water...enjoy.
just tried it with honey
gonna wein myself off the honey and see how it goes
how many times do you have it a day?
i figure once in the morning and once before training?
Maybe you're overbrewing it. Green tea only takes about 2-3 minutes to brew in water that is about 180 degrees (ideally). for the right brewing temp, you probably want to fill your cup up with about 3/4 boiling water (fresh out of the kettle), and 1/4 room temperature water (out of the faucet or whatever). while brewing, don't disturb it, just let the tea bag sit, don't fuck with it. Don't move it up and down. Don't swing it in circles. Go read a book or check your email or something. and NEVER milk your teabag when your done. Squeezing the bag when you're done brewing it is going to get all of that bitter nastiness into your drink.

Free teas are often better than bagged teas, and to get the most out of them you could use a french press or teapot with a strainer built in.

Lastly, there are different green teas (a lot of them). Dragon tears, gunpowder, gen mai cha (my favorite), the powdery extract type stuff, etc. It may take a while to find your favorite. if you've gone through countless teas and can't find one you like but still want to consume it for health benefits, you may want to try taking the powdered extract and putting it in capsules.
I remember the first time I drank it, it was so nasty. Now I'm used to it. I just drink it with water like a 1/4 teaspoon. I just down it real quick and its over with lol.
After a year in Japan, green tea became my favorite drink.

I can feel it powering my chi :D
i used to drink 6 glasses a day...8oz. glasses...why do you guys drink it?...i got a lot leaner in the first few weeks then it stopped, again, what is the health reason for drinking it?
killer_kicks88 said:
i used to drink 6 glasses a day...8oz. glasses...why do you guys drink it?...i got a lot leaner in the first few weeks then it stopped, again, what is the health reason for drinking it?

This article will tell you from the benefits to how to brew green tea. This is a pretty good read:

At the bottom of the page is a link to page two. Be sure to also read it... it is a continuation of page one.

you can add stuff but try it cold it isnt bad
I use a green tea extract. It is really good and each cup has the benefits of several cups. The green tea extract from a "first flush" Shizuoka and Uji Japanese Green Tea. Shizuoka and Uji pretty much grow the best green tea due to their temperature and climate. Here is the link:

killer_kicks88 said:
i used to drink 6 glasses a day...8oz. glasses...why do you guys drink it?...i got a lot leaner in the first few weeks then it stopped, again, what is the health reason for drinking it?

I began to drink it after working out becuase you tend to have more free radicals in your body after working out. The anti-oxidants in green tea and basically mop up the free radicals in your body.

I did notice that when I first began to drink it that I did loose about 10 pounds within 2 to 3 months. But then it stopped and I never lost again without doing something extra.

/// tea has that affect on people i guess...thanks for all the info ^_^
The unsweetend kind is disgusting. I can drink gallons of Arizona, Lipton or those Chinese brands.
Like Urban said... most people overbrew the stuff. If you overbrew it, it tastes nasty. You're only supposed to brew it for a couple of minutes... anything over that and the tea tastes uh... very different.
Is there any negative effects when overbrewing it? I do all the horrible things Urban said not to. I dunk it, swing it around, even do some of the side to side stuff. I have been known to milk the bag too. I don't mind the taste at all though, I just add a bit of lemon to it, or it already comes with lemon and I think it tastes great.

I drink the lipton green tea with lemon and ginsing though. How much brand to brand difference is there?
Rjkd12 said:
Is there any negative effects when overbrewing it? I do all the horrible things Urban said not to. I dunk it, swing it around, even do some of the side to side stuff. I have been known to milk the bag too. I don't mind the taste at all though, I just add a bit of lemon to it, or it already comes with lemon and I think it tastes great.

I drink the lipton green tea with lemon and ginsing though. How much brand to brand difference is there?

Similar story. I just leave the tea bag in there. I guess I have no taste buds.