Social Doctor drops disturbing information to congress in regards to second trimester abortion

Not babies nor fetuses. Both are different. What's your point ?

A 25 to 30 week old fetus is a baby.

Oh. And I'm a vegetarian and against the death penalty. So I do not eat animals, babies or death row inmates
Stop being sensible

There is no significant difference. It's just a different point in the growth of a human.

There are also huge differences between an infant and a full grown adult.
I'm not sure if we are in agreement here. Specifically what was your point in bringing up eating animals?

There are plenty of animals which are sentient yet we mass kill. Where are your tears for them?
A 25 to 30 week old fetus is a baby.

Oh. And I'm a vegetarian and against the death penalty. So I do not eat animals, babies or death row inmates

If it's still inside the womb and not fully developed, it's a fetus.
If it's still inside the womb and not fully developed, it's a fetus.

That is just semantics. Women refer to them as babies because that's what they are. Fetus is the more scientific term but there is no major difference.
Who says that I like factory farming? It just has nothing to do with my stance on abortion.

This is a point on your sense of morality.

At the end of the day I just find annoying that people (like you) try to push your morals onto others. If you want to save babies go and do it. I mean: go personally and support those who want to abort and take care of them. Don't come preaching your supposedly superior stance.

Practice what you preach.
This is a point on your sense of morality.

At the end of the day I just find annoying that people (like you) try to push your morals onto others. If you want to save babies go and do it. I mean: go personally and support those who want to abort and take care of them. Don't come preaching your supposedly superior stance.

Practice what you preach.

That made no sense at all. If we didn't push human rights onto everyone we wouldn't have laws at all.
That made no sense at all. If we didn't push human rights onto everyone we wouldn't have laws at all.

Lol youre ironic. Women should have the right to choose then-- it's their body. Worry about your own.

Typical from people like you. You think you're helping people but you aren't. You just want to feel good about yourself.
Women should have the right to choose then-- it's their body. Worry about your own.

No one should "have the right to choose" to kill another human being for convenience. No one agrees with that in any other facet of life but when it comes to abortion suddenly people should have the choice. Completely inconsistent and makes no sense.

Typical from people like you. You think you're helping people but you aren't. You just want to feel good about yourself.

Making assumptions about me isn't an argument.

My stance is that life should be more difficult for someone who got herself pregnant so that their child can have a chance at life. I'm not on a high horse here I just don't see how killing the defenseless is a solution to anything.
And the people in favour of abortion are the same idiots who think that mass immigration is necessary because "we need a larger labour force" or because it would be inhumane to leave people in their own countries.

They're also the fuck-wits who claim that everything else is racist when it disproportionately affects black people.


I am pro-choice and anti-mass immigration. Pro right to bare arms yet Anti-welfare state. Pro-EPA yet anti mass regulations while still being anti too big to fail and anti monopoly.

Its called not being a party whore and actually having a brain of my own that doesnt require some antiquated party telling me to fall in line behind their dogma.

Try it sometime. If you actually have the ability.

There are important distinctions between (abortable) fetuses and babies in the abortion debate at least in the eyes of the law of the land, Casey v Planned Parenthood.
No one should "have the right to choose" to kill another human being for convenience. No one agrees with that in any other facet of life but when it comes to abortion suddenly people should have the choice. Completely inconsistent and makes no sense.

If you wake up in a hospital bed unable tot move because another dude in a vegetative states has been attached to your blood supply and dependent on your organs, would you be obligated to stay in the bed with him attached indefinitely?
If you wake up in a hospital bed unable tot move because another dude in a vegetative states has been attached to your blood supply and dependent on your organs, would you be obligated to stay in the bed with him attached indefinitely?

I like how this very straightforward issue requires a crazy analogy like being forcibly attached to another adult in a vegetative state. How realistic. Well I like a good thought experiment anyway major glaring issue with this comparison is that a fetus is a someone's offspring, someone's child. This is very different from being forcibly attached without your consent to another adult. You have responsibility to your actions in creating the child and that it is your child. Just like how you can't go killing your infant child just because you don't want to take care of it anymore. I would agree that you have no responsibility to the vegetative state adult that you were forcibly hooked up to. I do not agree that the same applies to your own offspring. In 99% of abortions no one is being forced to get pregnant. It is extremely irresponsible to kill your child because it's not convenient for you to be a parent right now. Adoption is readily available.
There are important distinctions between (abortable) fetuses and babies in the abortion debate at least in the eyes of the law of the land, Casey v Planned Parenthood.

A baby in our language is really just a young human being and that is how the word is always used. There is no logical reason to say that someone who is still in the womb is not a baby and then a matter of days or weeks or even months later is then somehow a baby just because it went through the birth canal. What is the big difference here? Location? A fetus has a beating heart and all developing organs. IMO people like using words like fetus as it makes them feel like it's not human or not alive which isn't true at all.
I like how this very straightforward issue requires a crazy analogy like being forcibly attached to another adult in a vegetative state. How realistic. Well I like a good thought experiment anyway major glaring issue with this comparison is that a fetus is a someone's offspring, someone's child. This is very different from being forcibly attached without your consent to another adult. You have responsibility to your actions in creating the child and that it is your child. Just like how you can't go killing your infant child just because you don't want to take care of it anymore. I would agree that you have no responsibility to the vegetative state adult that you were forcibly hooked up to. I do not agree that the same applies to your own offspring. In 99% of abortions no one is being forced to get pregnant. It is extremely irresponsible to kill your child because it's not convenient for you to be a parent right now. Adoption is readily available.
It is a crazy analogy but it has to be to mirror the pregnancy issue because prior to viability and a sentient brain, aborting a fetus doesn't mirror any other voluntary killing of a human situation.

I'll agree there is a responsibility to use birth control and shit but rape pregnancies happen more often than you might think, even after morning after pills etc.
It is a crazy analogy but it has to be to mirror the pregnancy issue because prior to viability and a sentient brain, aborting a fetus doesn't mirror any other voluntary killing of a human situation.

I'll agree there is a responsibility to use birth control and shit but rape pregnancies happen more often than you might think, even after morning after pills etc.

Rape pregnancies is at least a good debatable topic but it doesn't justify the vast vast majority that are done for convenience. I would be much happier if those were illegal and then rape pregnancies were discussed.