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Deep squats

unless you are afraid of people looking up your skirt, go ahead and squat deep.
you not deep enough unless you ass tuches your heels
when people say ass to grass they mean deep right, if you do a real heavy weight arent you supposed to go only untill your thighs go parralel?
Ass to grass means exactly what it sounds like. Why do you think you should only go to parallel? Deep squats are great for emphasizing the full range of motion.
fat_wilhelm said:
Ass to grass means exactly what it sounds like.

Then it really depends on how high the grass is.
I do heavy back squats to parallel and since i'm practicing for Oly lifting I do my front squats to grass. No, it is not necessary to squat deep. Read the study (i think it was Rkjd12 put out on it) In complete layman terms it said the same muscles were stimulated and that the guys not going as deep were able to use heavier weights while getting the same benefits out of the movement.

Help me out here if you read the study or do a search on it.
rickdog said:
I do heavy back squats to parallel and since i'm practicing for Oly lifting I do my front squats to grass. No, it is not necessary to squat deep. Read the study (i think it was Rkjd12 put out on it) In complete layman terms it said the same muscles were stimulated and that the guys not going as deep were able to use heavier weights while getting the same benefits out of the movement.

Help me out here if you read the study or do a search on it.
rickdog said:
I do heavy back squats to parallel and since i'm practicing for Oly lifting I do my front squats to grass. No, it is not necessary to squat deep. Read the study (i think it was Rkjd12 put out on it) In complete layman terms it said the same muscles were stimulated and that the guys not going as deep were able to use heavier weights while getting the same benefits out of the movement.

Help me out here if you read the study or do a search on it.

the point to squat deep is to get used to the movment not exactly to strengthen the muscle although that is a sideeffect.

i want to see you paralell sqquat 300 pounds then try and snatch 160 full snatch

tell me if you can get out of the rock bottom position.

its necessity to go ass to grass and not paralell because you want to get your body used to the rock bottom position so you dont get stuck or pinned at the bottm when going on classical lifts.

any one who thinks that paralell will do these lifts justice is a tard. also ass to grass is alot more beneficial as it works all the msucdles around the knee and utlises the quad alot more and gets more explosion
To Rickdog.

In all seriousness that's not true.

He posted a study that said that quads and hamstrings are stimulated about the same amount in quarter squats and full squats.

Rjkd12 said:
Don't rip on bodybuilders who do 1/4 squats. EMG work has shown that the only difference in activation of muscle is as you go lower your glutes are activated more, and hamstring and quad activation are the same. So, if you want maximum stimulation of the hams and quads, its better to do a 1/4 squat with a lot more weight than to go ass to the grass. Now, I think bodybuilders should do full squats, but heavy short range partials do have their place. Granted probably 50% of the guys are doing it wrong, just don't assume everyone doing it is a moron.

For MMA, who cares about the weight (as Urban says, just make sure its more than before), and go ass to the grass. If you are concerned about how much harder it is, add a few bands or chains to make the motion at the top of the lift harder.
rickdog said:
I do heavy back squats to parallel and since i'm practicing for Oly lifting I do my front squats to grass. No, it is not necessary to squat deep. Read the study (i think it was Rkjd12 put out on it) In complete layman terms it said the same muscles were stimulated and that the guys not going as deep were able to use heavier weights while getting the same benefits out of the movement.

Help me out here if you read the study or do a search on it.

I also front squat deeper than I back squat. I assume it has to do with my lack of flexibility more than choice.
1/4 squats are bullshit and should only be used for the jerk

the reason you go ass to grass and do it olympic style is to get all the muscles around the knee and the quad to be explosive and well built as well as your CORE

the front squat is for your full clean assitance and CORE your olympic back squat is also for your CORE

quater squats are gay and you should not use them.

if your a bodybuilder your probably a homo anyways so try not to listen to bodybuilders when its a forum about STRENGTH and POWER whats the point when all they do is train for cosmetical purposes
Judoka_ said:
1/4 squats are bullshit and should only be used for the jerk

the reason you go ass to grass and do it olympic style is to get all the muscles around the knee and the quad to be explosive and well built as well as your CORE

the front squat is for your full clean assitance and CORE your olympic back squat is also for your CORE

quater squats are gay and you should not use them.

if your a bodybuilder your probably a homo anyways so try not to listen to bodybuilders when its a forum about STRENGTH and POWER whats the point when all they do is train for cosmetical purposes
It's not bullshit

They have their place.
Ted-P said:
It's not bullshit

They have their place.

not 1/4 squats are bull. and like i said should only be used for an assitance excercise for the jerk and also loading for your core which means i quater squats are not extremely heavy there bull

like Bicep threads are not allowed yet we are taking advice from some bodybuilder and bodybuilding ideologies?

im an olympic lifter. who better to know about squats then oly lifters?

people look for the easy way out ALL the time. esspecially with swuats

so all in all

Judoka_ said:
im an olympic lifter. who better to know about squats then oly lifters?

Ummm... how about a power lifter? Last I heard, squats were one of the three lifts that are actually performed in competition.

I don't necessarily disagree w/ what you've said, but chill out, man. You're jumping around, suggesting people are "tards" and boasting that you're an olympic lifter in multiple threads. I'm pretty sure no one's impressed.

Just discuss. It'll be much more welcome. If you still feel like flying off the handle, however, at least clean up your posts. They're painful as hell to read.
fat_wilhelm said:
If you still feel like flying off the handle, however, at least clean up your posts. They're painful as hell to read.

I thought you were hulk mania for a moment lol.
fat_wilhelm said:
Ummm... how about a power lifter? Last I heard, squats were one of the three lifts that are actually performed in competition.

I don't necessarily disagree w/ what you've said, but chill out, man. You're jumping around, suggesting people are "tards" and boasting that you're an olympic lifter in multiple threads. I'm pretty sure no one's impressed.

Just discuss. It'll be much more welcome. If you still feel like flying off the handle, however, at least clean up your posts. They're painful as hell to read.

sure powerlifters squat however olympic lifters have a squatting motion in each lift as opposed to the bench and deadlift. we must train both back and front squats multiple times a week

and i stated i was an olympic lifter in 2 threads your right. i could care less if people are impressed or not. but olympic lifters are just superior when it comes to squatting power its true

im only getting mad because the discussion of paralell and 1/4 squats and full squats is getting out of hand.

also dont worry about my spelling its ok aslong as you can reply