Media Dana White about Ngannou: “I didn’t like Francis as a person”

The main reason he "hates" Francis is because the guy made $60 million in 4 fights since leaving the UFC and showed every other fighter they no longer have a monopoly. And because he wanted actual long term health insurance and benefits for fighters -- ie. he was trying to hold Dana White and TKO accountable for unethical corporate business practices. I put "hate" in quotations because Dana's a reptile and doesn't have real emotions, he's just a barely functioning reflex.
The fighters union needs you know...actual fighters to want to be a part of it, nothing Francis can't do if fighters keep fucking it up like they have been for decades

This is disingenous. You're focusing on one small piece of a situation to create the wrong conclusions and it seems intentional.

Fighters historically couldn't join the union because the UFC had a monopoly (as shown by their recent $500 million dollar anti-trust suit). If a fighter developed business sense (ie. tried to negotiate their contract for higher numbers or a cut of the gate) or joined a union, they would be blackballed. You saw this with Randy Couture, Tito Ortiz, the Shamrocks etc. Newer generation fighters learned from seeing this and fell in line. UFC wasn't the only fight organization, but it used to be the only one that you could have an employable wage as a full time fighter unless you wanted to move to Japan. These days lower level guys in the PFL are making MASSIVELY more than most of the top guys in the UFC.

Dana is creepy as fuck with women too. Look at the finale of the last Contender Series -- when he didn't know the camera was on he was getting all palmy and gross with that 19 year old Argentinian ninja ferret and you could clearly see how creeped out she was and just putting up with it to get the contract. I felt sexually harassed watching through the monitor. I am so surprised some cancel culture type skeletons haven't come out of his closet yet. Considering how hyperaware the UFC is about its image, they picked one of the worst figureheads possible to represent them.

But what annoys me the most about him is how he's just so fundamentally dumb. Having him as a boss would be like having a non-funny non-self aware and stupider version of Michael Scott from The Office.

Really feel sorry for the fighters that they have to put up with this grade A moron.
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I'd like him to say that to Ngannou's face. The only reason he doesn't "like him as a person" is because he doesn't fold to what he wants. He wants yes men and men he can do business with. That's why he will praise guys like Jon Jones and Conor McGregor even though they are shittier human beings.
Exactly that. He is very Trump like, he will befriend the worst POS if they are nice or hepful to him , but people becomes bad the second they stop going along with him.
The fighters union needs you know...actual fighters to want to be a part of it, nothing Francis can't do if fighters keep fucking it up like they have been for decades, the UFC can easily afford health care for the fighters, they choose not to because they don't want to make 10 millioins less, PFL, doubt they could afford it, he said he wanted his next opponent in MMA to get a big payday and he made sure of that, kept his word.

I really hope you are getting paid for the pathetic shilling, if you are doing it for free you should probably think about killing yourself.

yes, Frank is a great person who is just a victim of consequences - evil promotions which not fulfilling his wills, evil fighters who dont wanna make union for him/instead of him and evil countries which dont want to provide additional healthcare for people who willingly want to be damaged while being paid for entertainment

i think if Frank drives over your family in front of ur eyes you will still find a reason to excuse him

p.s. since you are that smart thinking ufc can cover up healthcare in US for 1000 fighters without any toruble and we are living at the time of free-market capitalism, I suggest you hosting your own promotion and making things 'right'. You can use help of other UFC haters armchair economists socialism/economy experts and moral highgrounders such as "surgeyou1", "YEET" and my personal favorite - "StonedLemur" with the classic ignorant US redneck understanding of socialism/communism

p.p.s. ohh wait, it is you who believes anything that confirms your biases thus calling others shills if they are fighting ur bullshit with logic and facts

my bad not muting dumbshit right away
Dana is a scummy human that even his mother dislikes. Of course he doesn't like people who have morals. He likes the scummy people such as himself, he can relate.

"Francis Ngannou" and "having morals" do not belong in the same sentence. This is the same dude who would not stop bitching about his UFC contract to the point of comparing it slavery, who then went on to gladly take money from Saudis royals, you know, actual modern slave owner with so much blood on their hands they make wife beating scumbags like Dana look like Mother Teresa, while glazing them harder than Dana glazes Jon Jones.

Francis Ngannou is a bad faith actor, a virtue-signaling hypocrite who only cares about himself. He's not all that different from Dana White in that sense, he just packages his bullshit better. Can't believe how many mouth breathers get fooled by his charade.
"Francis Ngannou" and "having morals" do not belong in the same sentence. This is the same dude who would not stop bitching about his UFC contract to the point of comparing it slavery, who then went on to gladly take money from Saudis royals, you know, actual modern slave owner with so much blood on their hands they make wife beating scumbags like Dana look like Mother Teresa, while glazing them harder than Dana glazes Jon Jones.

Francis Ngannou is a bad faith actor, a virtue-signaling hypocrite who only cares about himself. He's not all that different from Dana White in that sense, he just packages his bullshit better. Can't believe how many mouth breathers get fooled by his charade.
Being all about themselves is what Dana and the UFC count on. It's what prevents a fighters union. The same is true of boxing. I'm sure there are some fighters who have the strength of their convictions but I don't believe Francis is one of them.
Most fighters are like all pro athletes. Look at the NBA. People like Lebron will preach woke bullshit and BLM but never utter a single word about China because they pay the bills. Definitely won't mention how BLM is rapidly proving to be a huge scam where a few people took all the money and they're now facing bankruptcy. Enes Kanter was one of the only NBA players who actually walks the walk and he's ostracized for it.
Being all about themselves is what Dana and the UFC count on. It's what prevents a fighters union. The same is true of boxing. I'm sure there are some fighters who have the strength of their convictions but I don't believe Francis is one of them.
Most fighters are like all pro athletes. Look at the NBA. People like Lebron will preach woke bullshit and BLM but never utter a single word about China because they pay the bills. Definitely won't mention how BLM is rapidly proving to be a huge scam where a few people took all the money and they're now facing bankruptcy. Enes Kanter was one of the only NBA players who actually walks the walk and he's ostracized for it.

I have nothing against fighters glazing the Saudis while taking their money. You're prize fighters, not activists, go get that bag. But you don't get to then turn around and talk about having strong morals or complain about how coercive the UFC contracts are without outing yourself as a massive hypocrite whom nobody should take seriously.

Saying Francis has strong morals is like saying Daniel Cormier has a strong hairline. It's laughable.
"Francis Ngannou" and "having morals" do not belong in the same sentence. This is the same dude who would not stop bitching about his UFC contract to the point of comparing it slavery, who then went on to gladly take money from Saudis royals, you know, actual modern slave owner with so much blood on their hands they make wife beating scumbags like Dana look like Mother Teresa, while glazing them harder than Dana glazes Jon Jones.

Francis Ngannou is a bad faith actor, a virtue-signaling hypocrite who only cares about himself. He's not all that different from Dana White in that sense, he just packages his bullshit better. Can't believe how many mouth breathers get fooled by his charade.
Everyone's entitled to their opinion. With that being said, go feed someone else your giant load of shit.
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Imagine this complete shitstain of a human being judging others as humans like he is some good person by comparison.

Dana White is a piece of shit to the core. Fuck this guy. Can't wait to never see his stupid face again.

Francis is 100x the man you'll ever be you wifebeating maggot.
Dana White probably saved more people in one year through charity than you did in your entire life and yet here you are judging this fine gentleman.

That being said, I agree that it is odd that he has a "personal" problem with Ngannou. I thought their relationship was strictly professional.

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