Media Dana White about Ngannou: “I didn’t like Francis as a person”

I'd like him to say that to Ngannou's face. The only reason he doesn't "like him as a person" is because he doesn't fold to what he wants. He wants yes men and men he can do business with. That's why he will praise guys like Jon Jones and Conor McGregor even though they are shittier human beings.
I would love nothing more than to tell all these stupid fucking rich dudes to their faces:

"Literally no one actually likes you, people only pretend to because it benefits the in some way, but if we took away your money and power and you were just "Joe Nobody" working a 9-5 you wouldn't have any friends. Nobody thinks you are funny, cool, smart, interesting or anything that resembles a decent human being. You are just a shit-stain of a person that doesn't realize people hold their nose around you because that's what the influence of money/power does to people."

They couldn't handle the truth though, that's why they are insulated with sycophants and leeches to boost their ego and make them feel special/important, when they really aren't - it's the money/power that is special and important, that's why the sycophants/leeches are there to begin with.

Imagine the NFL, MLB, NBA, NHL, soccer, tennis, or any other sport where the president constantly shit talks on the fans, its contractors, the media and everyone else inbetween. Shows just how low trash and a big piece of shit Dana is. No wonder why he is named after a bitch.
For sure, Dana leaves much to be desired for a man in his position