Bill Maher flat out MGTOW and Joe Rogan redpilled: video

MGTOW is a divide and conquer tactic used to divide women and men. More importantly, encouraging men not to be a family man and in the end, you will have a society of young women who are desperate and start to whore themselves out for attention and money and men that are all single and incapable of taking responsibility, also a lot fewer children or more children without their father in their life which will lead to the destruction of a society. MGTOW is what happened to the black community in America when they started to glorify gangsters and pimps in music and movies, take a look and see how it worked out for them. Men having children with 5 different women and not taking any responsibility.

MGTOW is basically feminism but for men instead and we all know that feminism is pure cancer to society aswell.

I bet that if you checked who was behind this thing, it would most likely be someone with the last name Stein.
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MGTOW is a good movement encouraging brotherhood and manly self identification. :eek::eek::eek:s and trannies can go be local complaint to persons for women friends.
Holy shit. Nuke this thread from orbit.
Being single and having fun is cool. But giving it a title and acting like it's some special brotherhood?

Yeah, that's about as gay as 2 dudes buttfucking each other.
It's easy to just insult them as gay but they're overwhelming self-glorified hetero incels with a different branding (maybe slightly less ugly and unkempt on average) who often display baffling levels of homophobia, @sweetviolenturg. Invariably, there will be closet cases among them but a lot of the shit they claim to promote is already covered and doesn't necessitate a hatred for women; more like indifference at worst.

The core of (cis) gay culture has been based around the celebration of men and male aesthetics, bonding, companionship, love, etc. for centuries. I could quite thoroughly demonstrate this point? "MGTOW" has no culture(s) and is no community, it's a fad of frustrated dudes who aren't getting laid. Gay dudes get laid at will, and I would know.

See @sweetviolenturg the gay dude says we ain't gay..

Now come and join us, we could use a tough guy like u
You need to get laid, like right now.
Just call it what it is...Incels rebranding. And I doubt Joe Rogan would do that, he's not a socially awkward weirdo.

Nah, they are not incels. The mgtows I know are mostly divorced guys that got fucked over hard.

Incels can't get laid and married to get fucked over initially like a mgtow.
This is the kind of post that makes me miss the "My friends say i look like..." threads.

Better days
Men Who Go Their Own Way shouldn't be in a group of any kind- lastly, an emotional support group.
Are you fucking kidding me with this trash?!@?>!???!?! MGTOW seems like it leads to some gay shit, just sayin...
Not sure if joking, but stop that nonsense,

You are feeding into the American Christian right's war on sexual orientation. You know, gay conversion shit. Their view is that there's no sexual orientation, only sexual lifestyles. We are all bisexuals, or whatever label you prefer.

That's nonsense, of course. Every heterosexual knows that's not true. Only closeted homos would ever believe you can go gay. Well, to them it's not a belief, because they can.

This bothers me is because we now have closeted/self-hating homos "mansplaining" to us heterosexuals what it means to be a heterosexual. These closeted/self-hating homos want me to believe my heterosexuality is a choice, even though I had no say in it. I was born this way.
MGTOW is a divide and conquer tactic used to divide women and men. More importantly, encouraging men not to be a family man and in the end, you will have a society of young women who are desperate and start to whore themselves out for attention and money and men that are all single and incapable of taking responsibility, also a lot fewer children or more children without their father in their life which will lead to the destruction of a society. MGTOW is what happened to the black community in America when they started to glorify gangsters and pimps in music and movies, take a look and see how it worked out for them. Men having children with 5 different women and not taking any responsibility.

MGTOW is basically feminism but for men instead and we all know that feminism is pure cancer to society aswell.

I bet that if you checked who was behind this thing, it would most likely be someone with the last name Stein.
This is already prominent in society now.
for a wealthy, famous person, marriage is one of the worst, most risky things to do. you need bulletproof protection from lawyers. yes, there's plenty of women that would do anything to take your money away. not all, of course, but for a famous, rich guy, the risks are real.

i am looking at that poor bastard Depp. that sociopath monster of a wife of his may cost him everything.
MGTOW is basically feminism but for men instead and we all know that feminism is pure cancer to society aswell.

I bet that if you checked who was behind this thing, it would most likely be someone with the last name Stein.

This ain't Stormfront yet, asshole.

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