Abusive families, do you talk to yours?

Yeah, still talk to my mother. We didn't talk for the longest time but after my grandfather passed away, we kinda put things aside. It's not as bad as it was years ago but it's always tense.
I reasonate with your story ... forgiveness isn't always the solution. Sometimes when i tell people i'm not close to mine i get judged, i get it but it is what it is. Gotta keep distance to keep my sanity.
A lot of people can't really fathom having a shitty family and assume you're the problem. Which is kind of a good thing, for them I guess. I'd rather not know what it's like to have a family that doesn't love you either lmao.
my brother and me do not get on at all. He hasn't even acknowledge my daughters birth.....she is 4, i truly do not care.