Media 38yo brunson schooled DDP in the first round

Brunson is more like a Khamzat than anything. Izzy can't do what Brunson did. Would be interesting to see DDP against Khamzat though.
Khamzat can't even get out of his shower in the morning without getting injured or puking.

People should cease to even mutter his name until he can show that he can actually appear for a fight again.
Blonde Brunson was a menace not washed up at all. Brunson beating the shit out of Edmen and Till was awesome.
Khamzat can't even get out of his shower in the morning without getting injured or puking.

People should cease to even mutter his name until he can show that he can actually appear for a fight again.
Khamzat the Mighty!
Brunson is an amazing 1 round fighter. If he was able to put everything together he could have been champ.
Khamzat is kind of the same way tbh

the first round against him is hell on earth.

If you can survive that u might have a chance.
He should have beat Goldberg TBT

DDP's style is ugly/awkward, he has bad stretches in his fights, he has holes in his game. We hear this after every fight of his but he just keeps winning in exciting fashion and has the belt now. At some point maybe he deserves a little credit. Just cause Brunson got beat badly a few times doesn't mean he's a bum, styles make fights and DDP's isn't always pretty but it gets the job done.
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Yeah maybe Kumshot will beat him when he fights again in 6 years.
Brunson is pretty elite. Compare 6'3 Dereck to 5'8 Burns who almost beat Khamzat

If could would didn't

Khamzat would this that didn't

He has yet to beat any actual MW while DDP is the champion
DDP is the worst champ that mw has seen in a minute.
As someone else has said, that is kind of the story of dricus's ufc career and a large part of why everyone doubted him the entire time.

Also, dricus held his own that round. Got a slick pendulum reversal from empty half, got his own takedown, had a submission attempt to counter one of Brunson's, landed some of his own shots. Him holding his own and making so many scrambles is part of why brunson gassed so hard that his team threw In the towel.

He lost the round, but I saw nothing to suggest a wrestler would run through him. Round 1 brunson, even old, was a great wrestler.

Dricus' is a super solid grappler.

Obviously we're posting in a troll thread but I go back to this fight with Brunson to highlight why DDP is such a problem - he's awkward but very competent if you pay attention. This is also before nasal surgery.

re: Khamzat, this is hilarious because he is notoriously a one round fighter. DDP is not going to be a free tap for ANYBODY, even if he loses a round getting back packed, he'll get up and knock your block off the next.

The story of the Brunson fight is getting beaten like a pinata to TKO despite having a solid first round.

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