Taking Your LGBT Child To Their First Pride


I know this subsection really doesn't like Milo but I think there's something to his argument a fair amount of these super young tranny/non-binary kids is parents having a gay child and view the whole non-binary thing as a way to not blame themselves as people still blame themselves for having a gay kid.
I don't know about that, a lot of these parents don't seem to have much of an issue with their kid being gay. If anything their kid being gay is too mundane and they're looking for some other more unique label for them.
The hell is pansexual? Are they like bronies except attracted to Pandas instead of Ponies?

Pansexual means that you are currently navigating the wild sexual maze, searching to find your sexual calling and encountering strange deviants in..


It's actually kinda creepy that they used uterus symbolism as the entrance where the child is going..
I don't know about that, a lot of these parents don't seem to have much of an issue with their kid being gay. If anything their kid being gay is too mundane and they're looking for some other more unique label for them.
I think he said that too during a Rogan podcast too
Call me old fashioned, but I don't think you should fuck kids.
that is exactly what is about to happen. Our way of life is under attack. The West is dying. Its nations have ceased to reproduce, and their populations have stopped growing and begun to shrink. Not since the Black Death carried off a third of Europe in the fourteenth century has there been a graver threat to the survival of Western civilization.

You've lost your mind if you think the West is under some sort of death. It'll take something crazier than WW2 to stop this train. Anything we're dealing with now is a minor inconvenience.
Pansexual means that you are currently navigating the wild sexual maze, searching to find your sexual calling and encountering strange deviants in..


It's actually kinda creepy that they used uterus symbolism as the entrance where the child is going..

I quite like that film, I hope I didn't miss anything obvious.
What do liberals do when they aren't being cuckolded by rapo the refugee or pushing their offspring into leather thong parades and chemical castration?

Just sit on the floor sticking a fork in their own eye socket to get their pain fix?

It's just so hard to imagine them enjoying normal human hobbies. Their lust for self-destruction is extreme and insatiable.
this is not natural, when i was a child i wasn't thinking about these things, they are getting brainwashed, i'm european born in 1993 and in my school there wasn't even 1 gay etcc
I wonder what sex Ed classes will look like in the future. Probably a freaking nightmare.

Today students we will properly show you how to insert your penis into another man's ass.

What could go wrong?

I read an interview in TIME a couple of years ago. The topic was Sex Ed. With the interview, the topic came up that the biology of sex has been lost in the discussions. So, you could still completed the required curriculum, and students would still not understand the biology of egg + sperm = fertilized egg (pregnancy).

Basically, the crux of the article was that the "hard science" within Sex Ed has given way to the the "soft science" of sociology. (relationships, healthy/unhealthy relationships, etc.)
kids today would rather feather their bangs and get railed in their boi pussy than find a naomi russell to plow

the state of this nation mate it's nearing the end
You've lost your mind if you think the West is under some sort of death. It'll take something crazier than WW2 to stop this train. Anything we're dealing with now is a minor inconvenience.
How does the west survive demographically? Islam will be the majority religion in 50 years if the numbers hold up. Secularism and agnosticism will go the way of the dodo in Europe. All that will be left of the Church will be in Russia and Eastern Europe.
This is the kind of degenerate filth these people are peddling.

WARNING - this video will likely make you physically sick.

Now this isn't just a little boy being told that he thinks he's a girls by exploitative 'progressive' adults. It is much more disturbing and sickening than that. This is a little boy being dressed up like a whore, in a manner that is obviously designed to be sexually provocative, while adults, including his own parents, lech over him. This boy needs to put into counseling and the adults in his life thrown in jail, this child is clearly a victim of abuse.

Pedophilia is next frontier in 'social justice' and 'life style choices' that we will be told we must accept. Now for those who think I'm going over the top, I would have dismissed this myself up until recently but now the agenda is obvious, these people want to sink us to the lowest depths possible.

Kid barely learned not to shit his/herself but they definitely know the gender binary is not for them?
You think something's amiss?
This is obviously some kind of Munchausen by Proxy level headfuckery being laid on that poor kid.
Western civilization is becoming more and more like a man whose body is ridded with cancer, thinking he is the picture of health because his shoes are expensive and well shined.
Refuse to watch the video because I have seen others and I get mad every time

Most of those kids get so much praise and attention for "coming out" that most don't even feel that way, they just do it because of how they're encouraged. It's disgusting.

like that kid who was scared to come out as straight because his mom was clearly proud of her LGBTBBQ son and was flaunting him like a fashion accessory for progressive points


Women just love the novelty of gays.

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