Is Ballistic Ecks vs Sever the worst movie of all time?


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Mar 13, 2011
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Fifteen years ago today, the Antonio Banderas/Lucy Liu vehicle Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever was released to universal disdain. This wasn’t just an unusually panned motion picture. No, as of this writing, Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever holds the distinction of being the single worst-reviewed movie in Rotten Tomatoes history.

This site tallied together the score of no less than 116 reviews (that’s a lot!), and not a single one was deemed positive. There wasn’t even a single contrarian, Armond White-style hot take — something like, “Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever is the most important, humane and misunderstood film of the last forty years” — to throw off the film’s perfectly terrible score.

Usually when a movie is dubbed the worst of its time, or of all time, there’s a motley crew of defenders insisting that what critics and respectable folks think make it unforgivably awful is secretly what makes it awesome. That’s not the case here. As far as I know, there is no cult for this sad little orphan, just detractors.

- Rotten Tomatoes/the guy that writes for the AV Club

I bought that film 13 or 14 years ago, I worked next to a record store that had a big used movie section. I had never heard of Ballistic: Ecks vs Sever, but it had Antonio Banderas and Lucy Liu, plus the guy that was Darth Maul from the worst Star Wars movie and Toad in X-Men (Ray Park). Could it be that bad? I bought it for a dollar, just a year or two after it came out. I watched it exactly one time, and I never would again.

It was so bad. I mean, I'd put it in my pantheon of worst movies ever made. Sure there may be worse movies in terms of terrible, but this had absolutely zero redeeming features. There was nothing about this picture that made it enjoyable, or better, or new. The plot was poor, the action was almost unbearable, the main characters had zero chemistry, there were Baysplosions everywhere, and it just didn't make sense. It was boring. For an action movie, there was never anything that was even remotely exciting for me, amidst the shootouts and chases and fistfights. It wasn't memorable in any way EXCEPT that it was COMPLETELY unmemorable in EVERY way. Even the title doesn't make sense, because they teamed up to fight the big bad, so why is it Character A vs Character B in the title? Why is Ballistic in the title? Why isn't it just called Ballistic?

I'm sure you'll gladly chime in "that's not the worst movie, this is" but if you do, you're going to need to give an explanation because this one is among the worst of the worst.

EvS? Not even close.
See, that's where the "worst" part of EvS shows up - there are no redeeming parts. No real unintentionally funny scenes. No silly lines or deliveries. Mortal Kombat Annihilation had that. It made me laugh. It's got a cult following to an extent, where EvS doesn't. There's no one that says it has any redeeming value, and that seems significant in determining what the true consensus worst film is.
See, that's where the "worst" part of EvS shows up - there are no redeeming parts. No real unintentionally funny scenes. No silly lines or deliveries. Mortal Kombat Annihilation had that. It made me laugh. It's got a cult following to an extent, where EvS doesn't. There's no one that says it has any redeeming value, and that seems significant in determining what the true consensus worst film is.
In that case, going by the criteria set forth, it's Highlander 2: The Quickening.
See, that's where the "worst" part of EvS shows up - there are no redeeming parts. No real unintentionally funny scenes. No silly lines or deliveries. Mortal Kombat Annihilation had that. It made me laugh. It's got a cult following to an extent, where EvS doesn't. There's no one that says it has any redeeming value, and that seems significant in determining what the true consensus worst film is.
So it didn't crossed the threshold to hilarity like other "worst" movies. The problem was it's just bland.
Haha I saw this in theatres way back when. I don't remember a single thing about it though, but that's probably a good sign it's terrible.
In that case, going by the criteria set forth, it's Highlander 2: The Quickening.
That's in my top five worst of all time, yes sir. It's painfully bad, but at least it had back to the future-esque deadly hoverboard fights.

Plus, the Directors Cut where they ripped things apart, removed the "alien" crap and cleaned it up, made it significantly better.
So it didn't crossed the threshold to hilarity like other "worst" movies. The problem was it's just bland.
Exactly, it was had nothing of substance to add at all. It wasn't "so good it's bad" like some other films like The Room.
In that case, going by the criteria set forth, it's Highlander 2: The Quickening.

Highlander: The Source is exponentially worse. I'll take Connery, Lambert and Ironsides hamming it up every day of the week and twice on Sunday over that cinematic turd. It explosively craps on everything Highlander fans love.
Highlander: The Source is exponentially worse. I'll take Connery, Lambert and Ironsides hamming it up every day of the week and twice on Sunday over that cinematic turd. It explosively craps on everything Highlander fans love.
That whole series is just bad (minus original).
Never saw it, but easily one of the worst titles ever.
I never have understood why this film has gotten this reputation as possibly being the "worst movie of all time."

I only saw it once, when I caught it in the theater. I remember very little about it, but one thing I do distinctly remember is having no strong feeling about it. I remember thinking it was a mediocre movie, neither particularly good nor particularly shitty.

It was "just a movie."
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I didn't think it was the worst movie ever. I enjoyed it. It had action and explosions. I'm not a plot guy my favorite movie was a fake movie in a phone commercial. I think the movie was called blow'd up. It was just random explosions. The kicker was you never knew where the next explosion was going to happen. Except the answer was everywhere. Or it's a false memory I created from various things through out my life. Either way my main point is I don't think those jeans make you look fat.
I've always wanted to see it because of its shitty reputation.
Anything that puts Lucy Liu on the screen can't be in the running for worst movie of all time
The problem was they marketed it as Ecks vs Sever.
We're supposed to choose a side, except we don't know who either one of them are or what they are playing.
Is this dodgeball, street basketball, yard wrestling, fantasy role-playing or what?

I still haven't seen the movie, but the whole concept of picking a team before knowing the players was corny.
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I never have understood why this film has gotten this reputation as possibly being the "worst movie of all time."

I only saw it once, when I caught it in the theater. I remember very little about it, but one I do distinctly remember is having no strong feeling about it.

That's it, though. It had no emotional impact. No resonance. No memorable parts. I pride myself in having an excellent memory, and I can't remember a single scene from it. The only flashback I might have to it is a fight on a like a catwalk over something deadly. I don't even know if that's from the film, it was a fight with Ray Park and the others.

There were no redeeming qualities in any way. Think about the films you've watched, and the things you've learned or gained or remembered from them. Even if it's minor, I remember Cemetery Man because of the dumb buddy that said his name again and again who fell in love with the severed head, and I loathed watching that. There was nothing like that from EvS, and that's unusual for films that aren't lifetime movies (which have their own charm).