AEW LVI: Masturbatory Bret Hart Tribute

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I don't watch WWE, or Impact. (which is about all that has been available in the UK for years)

And looking at his wiki, he wrestled mainly for WWE and Impact.

I stopped watching wrestling full time when WCW Folded. Since then all I watched until AEW came along was ICW PPV's and some NJPW

Basically, if are ex-wwe I dont know who the fuck they are :') UK indies, I'm good

as an example, AEW was the first time i had seen both CM Punk and Bryan Danielson wrestle
It's ok. You didn't miss anything.
Screw Serena Deeb, Maki Itoh needs to finish what she started over a year ago and take that AEW Women's World Championship

Using them at the top of the hour to draw people in, and then hope they are to lazy to change the channel.
Nobody's tuning in to see Page. If Tony hasn't fried too many brain cells he'll have enough sense to put the belt on Punk.
Nobody's tuning in to see Page. If Tony hasn't fried too many brain cells he'll have enough sense to put the belt on Punk.
This is just silly. Page constantly gets one of the biggest pops of the night, sells good merch, and is incredibly over. This is the only place that seems to have issue with the guy, and even that is more just booking than Page himself.

I do agree Punk should win though
This is just silly. Page constantly gets one of the biggest pops of the night, sells good merch, and is incredibly over. This is the only place that seems to have issue with the guy, and even that is more just booking than Page himself.

I do agree Punk should win though

yup. this is the only place not loving hangman.

I think Baker and Storm going the time limit next week leading to a triple threat at DON.
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