Your best movie theatre experiences

Being in High School when Aliens came out in 86, getting drunk with buddies and getting thrown out.
Theater hopping in the 80s on $2 Tuesday's. We would see 3 or more movies in the day and played like we were ninjas doing it.
I've only been to a 'theatre' presumably once in my life, saw Taken 2 in Dublin before it came out in America. The Irish love them some Liam Neesan
Ernest Scared Stupid - I remember actually getting scared at one point.
The feeling of being "amazed" and "entertained" by a movie in a theater would definitely go to Spider-Man (was always a big fan since I was like 4 years old), Avengers, and Inception.

Nacho Libre and Pineapple Express were probably the two I laughed the most at during the movie.

One moment I'll never forget is in Star Wars Episode 3, after Anakin gets set on fire with missing limbs and crawling around screaming in pain and anger, Padame asks Obi Wan if Anakin is ok and my friend says "yeah he's fine" which made me laugh like crazy.
Gravity 3D Interstellar and Mad Max from recent memory.
Gotta agree with the guy who said Cloverfield too
Either my second viewing of fantastic four where I got my first theatre handy, or Saw 3 cause my 2 buddies and i ended up seeing bunch of our old high school friends (we were just graduated and they were seniors) and the atmosphere was right cause it was the last weekend before Halloween. A couple of them looked like they wanted to puke during a couple scenes lol ended that night at Denny's where those dumbasses got foiled on a dine and dash
Return of the Jedi, the line was wrapped around the theater and their was a crazy storm going on.

Also The Blair Witch Project. The lights went down in the theater and a baby cried, there was a moment of silence and then from the darkness a deep male "black" voice "Ah hell no!" Theater cracked up and the baby plus mom and dad left.
Probably Grindhouse. I went to a midnight showing and there were like 5 people there, me included. Shit was like 3 hours long so afterwards it was like there was an unspoken bond between us. We'd endured. And I nodded at one of them as I left the theatre

That said Planet Terror was fuckin gash
Probably Grindhouse. I went to a midnight showing and there were like 5 people there, me included. Shit was like 3 hours long so afterwards it was like there was an unspoken bond between us. We'd endured. And I nodded at one of them as I left the theatre

That said Planet Terror was fuckin gash

strange i also saw it @ midnite. theater was freakin packed as hell. bunch of ppl in the bathrm were like yay 2 movies for 1.
I can't think of any that really stand out, I can think of bad experiences tho!

Probably my best one was the FrightFest all-nighter a few years back.
Started at about 9pm and finished at 6am and everyone there were respectful horror geeks so it was pretty cool.
Watching a special screening of Die Hard when I was 6 or 7.

My dad bought the tickets from his friend as a favor.

My mom took me and my bro to the theatre. We thought it'd be a family X Mas movie but we enjoyed the hell out of it. My mom was gangsta, she didn't care if we watched violent movies. To this Die Hard is still one of my favorite movies.

This hands down. I will always remember going to see this. I was in awe when the T-Rex first showed up. The entire theater was. One of my friends looked like he crapped his pants. Nothing has ever come close to being this awesome.
Fish Called Wanda, was completely packed and everyone was cracking up start to finish.

Daredevil movie, thought the move sucked but at the very end with Bullseye in traction and a fly starts buzzing around, here this really loud black guy say, "Oh he gonna keel the fly now!" Don't know why but me and my buddies have just always cracked up about it.

Enemy at the Gates. Was hardly anyone in the theater but I was enjoying the movie and the scene where Law and Weisz get it on, some guy gets up and storms outta the theater, saying, "like that would ever happen in the Russian Army!" He was the Simpsons comic book guy personified except with black curly hair. Friends and I started saying worst movie ever as he left, probably had to be there but we were laughing for days about him.

Blair Witch, I enjoyed the movie and thought it was great seeing a theater full of people scream at the end when its just a guy with his hands on the wall.
Fury Road - the only movie I've gone to the theater thrice for

Blair Witch - I was curled up on the seat watching through my fingers

Gravity - visually mesmerizing and caught me off guard thematically

TDK - literally covered my mouth at "I killed those people; that's what I can be" to keep my feels from being audible (also heard a few sniffles a few seats over)
hotboxing 2 blunts in my friends truck in the movie theatre parking lot and then watching the new planet of the apes on opening night.

avatar, also involved marijuana and me sneaking a California burrito into the theatre

gridiron gang because I got my first HJ

I plan on splitting an eighth of shrooms with a friend and watching the h8ful 8 the day it comes out, the special release 1 on Christmas in 70mm, that should be awesome
Without a doubt watching Rocky Balboa opening night with a sold out theater was the best "movie" experience ever... I remember they opened on a Thursday (not a Friday) because Im sure they knew hard-core Rocky fans were not going to fucking miss this, Im sure the entire theater was full of people who grew up with Rocky as their movie hero, I myself can say that watching Rocky inspired me to pick up a pair of boxing gloves and I still have the Rocky IV soundtrack on my ipod when I need that special push at the gym working out.

When the movie started and we see the first shot of Rocky in his bedroom the entire theater started applauding, it was as if our hero was coming back to life... when Rocky goes with Paulie to his old neighborhood and he remembers Adrian when he was inviting her into his house and I always felt that in that scene Rocky was trying to take advantage of Adrian, but as he is remembering Rocky says "all I wanted was that she trusts me"... and then he pauses he sees Adrian in his mind and says..."she did" ahhhhh fuck man fuuck I gulped man... then he gives that speech to his son that people are always quoting nowadays "it aint about how hard you hit, its about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward... thats how winning is done!"

Finally when Rocky is training and we see Paulie opening the door of the freezer so Rocky can hit the meat again I swear you could hear a gasp in the whole theater... and of course the ending Rocky goes to the tomb of Adrian, he puts flowers and says "we did it Adrian we did it" I rememberd it being special because I could feel the entire theater was going through the same emotions as I was... without a doubt the best experience I ever had in a movie theater
Mortal Kombat easily had the rowdiest crowd I've been a part of in a theater. I've never experienced a crowd that into a film since then.
I missed out on the movie theatre hand-jobs damn it :mad:

Next time I go I'm doing the old "Hole in the bottom of the popcorn bag" trick and see what happens.