You died and God told you that you successfully completed a life Beta test. What do you tell him?


Mar 15, 2015
Reaction score
After you died, you God said he was Beta testing life and thanks for participating. Any features you liked or hated?

What do you say?
The balls really should be on the inside.
Woman wearing clothes. Let's scrap that idea.

Edit: and periods. It wasn't a successful trial. Both men and woman dislike them and normally we can't agree on anything.
I would say you need more development bro this shit isnt ready for release

Hed say specs dude

I would say
The propensity for humans to be materialistic and miserable is really high. Maybe rework people to be a little less predisposed to that stuff.
Well than howcome i can see it ? legit question i hate technology

Its 3gmaf id rather get some head
He says while on a computer or phone that has access to virtually every piece of information every recorded in human history ;)
Why does bad shit taste good and good shit taste bad?
What are you, an asshole?
I'd take a moment to reflect on the horrific injustice I've seen in this fucked up world and then ask 'Why'd you make me 5'8 bro?'