Got a question for the regular WWE viewers.
So Elimation Chamber was 3.5 hours long (no commercials)... with four matches.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but when wrestling was on cable they had at least 15 minutes for each hour, so for a 3-hour show they had 2 hours & 15 minutes and they usually had at least seven matches, right?
My point is, although they apparently have no time constraints now so they can give matches the time they deserve, I hope they'd keep in mind the audience's time.
Not every match has to be a 20-30 minute barnburner.
That said, this had two EM matches in it, so its understandable they each were 40 minutes.
And was I the only one that was underwhelmed by the KO/Sammy hardcore match? Wouldn't put this on the list of the best matches they've ever had. That should have been the main event on Raw.