News Former WWF Wrestler Sycho Sid has passed away

I loved his theme music. I looked it up on YT one day, so the algorithm makes this pop up every now-and-again.

Plus dude cared about softball more than his career. Now THAT'S what I call dedication!

Here's his entrance at Survivor Series where he was supposed to be the heel, but the MSG crowd was fully behind him and against HBK. Guy was fucking intense.

And one last one of his interview botches.

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Sid carried one of the greatest segments in wrestling history

Yeah, dude was so roided up with rage that he wasn't gonna break character. I think Sting and Flair were cracking up. Sid came from the old school "Yell as loud as you can after doing some lines in the back" promo style. I miss those guys. Like the Legion of Doom Road Warriors.
I was a big fan of Sid since the beggining. He even came to ECW a few times and I got to see him up close and personal.

Props on the deep dive that most people wont recognize, followed Sid as Lord Humongous through the Apter Mags, he always looked crazy impressive in the photos from Memphis, then he popped up as one of The Skyscrapers in WCW and my impressions were proved correct, that is one big scary looking dude
Props on the deep dive that most people wont recognize, followed Sid as Lord Humongous through the Apter Mags, he always looked crazy impressive in the photos from Memphis, then he popped up as one of The Skyscrapers in WCW and my impressions were proved correct, that is one big scary looking dude
I was hoping you'd pop in here since I know you and me are wrassling fans. But JFC how can people go so early because of the cancer. Sometimes I really hate this fucking world. JFC I hope this AI we are all getting convinced of getting that is so great can actually do something to stop this shit.