International Hamas launches surprise attack on Israel; Israel has declared a state of war. Vol. VII

Of course they do. To support Israel is to support a Jewish Supremacy etho-state.

There is no place for additional nonJews in Greater Israel.

I mean... its not a very nice thing to do but it does make sense that they would want to push their enemies further away from them and that they would want all of their ancestral lands back. I live in a country that had manifest destiny so its kind of hard to call them out on it.

They have had 75 years to get their shit together and come up with some kind of peace plan and they failed at that. This is the results of their actions.
I mean... its not a very nice thing to do but it does make sense that they would want to push their enemies further away from them and that they would want all of their ancestral lands back. I live in a country that had manifest destiny so its kind of hard to call them out on it.

They have had 75 years to get their shit together and come up with some kind of peace plan and they failed at that. This is the results of their actions.
Condoning ethnic cleansing and genocide?
Condoning ethnic cleansing and genocide?

I'm not aware of any genocide going on its just a war and I think that land belongs to the Israelis. A big part of this problem is that no matter how many wars Israel wins they are never allowed to be the victor and say what their peace terms are. You know like in other wars ...but for some reason this one is different and people think that the Palestinians should get repeated do overs for some reason
The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.

- Charles Bukowski

You're the human embodiment of the Dunning-Kruger Effect.
While I cannot speak to all the world's problems, I can state the main problem with the ME is Jewish Supremacists like you.
I'm not aware of any genocide going on its just a war and I think that land belongs to the Israelis. A big part of this problem is that no matter how many wars Israel wins they are never allowed to be the victor and say what their peace terms are. You know like in other wars ...but for some reason this one is different and people think that the Palestinians should get repeated do overs for some reason
Ethnic cleansing and genocide can happen during war, so seems like you are fine with it.

Are you brave enough to dismiss the German special action groups in Ukraine in 1942 as its war and these things happen in war?
While I cannot speak to all the world's problems, I can state the main problem with the ME is Jewish Supremacists like you.

Yea I don't think that's the main problem in the middle east at all. Islamic extremism and terrorism seems like it might be a bigger issue that's caused more problems and lead to more people dying ....but I'm sure you think that's the juice fault somehow.
Ethnic cleansing and genocide can happen during war, so seems like you are fine with it.

Are you brave enough to dismiss the German special action groups in Ukraine in 1942 as its war and these things happen in war?

It's not really comparable. The jews aren't trying to make Muslims extinct nor do they want to take over the entire region.

None of this would be happening right now if the Palestinians A didn't attack them last year or B went with any of the previous peace deals. For whatever reason you really like to ignore this part of the equation.

If they don't want peace and the jews aren't going anywhere what other options are there besides war til one side dies or quits ?
Yea I don't think that's the main problem in the middle east at all. Islamic extremism and terrorism seems like it might be a bigger issue that's caused more problems and lead to more people dying ....but I'm sure you think that's the juice fault somehow.
An ethnostate colonizing their land, raping, torturing and murdering for 75 years is more the problem.

You focus on blaming the victims.
It's not really comparable. The jews aren't trying to make Muslims extinct nor do they want to take over the entire region.

None of this would be happening right now if the Palestinians A didn't attack them last year or B went with any of the previous peace deals. For whatever reason you really like to ignore this part of the equation.

If they don't want peace and the jews aren't going anywhere what other options are there besides war til one side dies or quits ?
Your Jewish supremacy is showing,

Its not comparable b/c who is committing the war crimes.

None of this ..... you mean the 75 years of rape, torture, murder, ladn theft?
I'm not aware of any genocide going on its just a war and I think that land belongs to the Israelis. A big part of this problem is that no matter how many wars Israel wins they are never allowed to be the victor and say what their peace terms are. You know like in other wars ...but for some reason this one is different and people think that the Palestinians should get repeated do overs for some reason

An ethnostate colonizing their land, raping, torturing and murdering for 75 years is more the problem.

You focus on blaming the victims.

You seem really confused about who the victims and victimizer is here.

Also the entire middle east seems kind of ethnostatey to me. I don't know why the Muslims need another country to oppress half the population in , they have the entire region except for one little spec.
Yes I'm sure you never heard of Judea and samaria and have no idea where jews native lands are.

It's not relevant to the situation. Gaza doesn't belong to the Israelis, neither does the West Bank, and their presence there is illegal.
Yes I'm sure you never heard of Judea and samaria and have no idea where jews native lands are.
Judea and Samaria were ancient kingdoms, the native jews that lived there are long gone. The jews trying to squat on that land now are nothing but larpers, ressurecting a dead language and changing their last names from european to jewish sounding.
You seem really confused about who the victims and victimizer is here.

Also the entire middle east seems kind of ethnostatey to me. I don't know why the Muslims need another country to oppress half the population in , they have the entire region except for one little spec.

Bingo. Israel is the only nation in the region that isn't allowed to want to be an ethnostate.