Yeah, this is one of those things that seems like just a smear job to me. I mean, it might not be - Oedad's post strongly suggests it is though - but saying that Trump is a failure because a few products associated with his name have failed, or because he has declared bankruptcy or divorced, really doesn't indicate much as to how successful he really is.
Bankruptcy can be a powerful financial tool if used right, and some of the most successful business people in the world have declared strategically declared bankruptcy to the great benefit of their businesses. You can do a list like this, of relatively unsuccessful/failed products, for companies like Google and Apple and Nintendo - and would you consider them failures? Divorces? Many of the most successful people of the past century have been divorced multiple times.
Trump is a figure that is being misrepresented by his supporters and detractors. That Trump meme that you buy into and spread on your facebook page? Yeah, it's probably BS meant to mislead and spread a disingenuous positive/negative narrative about the guy.