Would You Allow yo Significant Other to go for Coffee w/ a member of the opposite Sex

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I see this from both sides.
As someone who has been at a coffee shop and caught someone else out doing
inapropriate things with another man while she was married i can understand the

Each to their own i guess.
The people who would have trouble with this are the reason I don't date. Too many crazies and jealous fucks in this world.
Yes, because I'm not insecure.
Why not? Honestly, there's times when I was dating certain chicks that I would pray her friends or someone would get her out of my space and let me smoke pot and be a degenerate.
If it were my GF there would be no allow involved.

Try and get control of your insecurities
how the word "allow" fits into the discussion, I don't know. Are we talking about a S.O or a pet?

My S.O makes her own choices, however part of the consequences of some of those decision may be that she will no longer be my S.O.

But no, I would have no issue with my S.O going for coffee, drinks after work or even out socially dancing and what not with a member of the opposite sex if the situation is appropriate.

Such appropriate situations could be networking, work functions or helping a girlfriend out as 'wingman' on a social night out.
Only if I'm going with her.

And I'm gonna guess that your girl wants to go out for "coffee" with another guy.
One of the things I hate is when you start dating a woman and she gives up all her friends and social circle and basically makes you and your group her entire social network.

I met my last girlfriend when she was out with her girlfriends dancing and having a great time, and her one hot girlfriend played excellent wingman for her flirting it up with my boys as I focused in on my lady and closed the deal.

I did not want my lady to stop going out with her girlfriends and I did not want her to feel self conscious if I arrived at the same bar and saw her and girlfriends chatting up guys or dancing or being flirty. I told her I had no issue with her being a good wingman for her gals and trying to help them pick up too.
You view it that way because you are a guy so you very much understand how a guy thinks.

Women and this includes my wife are completely naive most times to the fact that the guy they are having coffee with wants to basically smash every orifice in their body.

They don't understand the concept that guys can't be friends without wanting to bang the chick if given the opportunity. And I know people will argue the opposite but those are outliers to the normal way a man thinks and acts.

I agree with this. As I said I wouldn't go out with someone that would put me in that position. And I wouldn't do the same to her.
most likely no. But I wouldn't go out with someone who would put me in that position. Girls who go out with guy friends for lunch, coffee ect while in a relationship is a huge red flag

My girlfriend is not a huge red flag for going out with guy friends. You, however, are a possessive nutcase that I wouldn't allow within arm's reach of my self or loved ones.
It really depends on who the guy is. And why they're going out. And what time of day. And how long. And whether or not you're invited. And lots of other stuff.

There are scenarios where I wouldn't give 2 fucks.
There are scenarios where I'd give her molten slag-covered fiery hell for it.

Too many variables for a catch-all response here.
My girlfriend is not a huge red flag for going out with guy friends. You, however, are a possessive nutcase that I wouldn't allow within arm's reach of my self or loved ones.

There are some exceptions of course but in general a girl that needs to exclusively go out with guy friends (1 on 1 without u or other people) is a red flag. You guys need to listen to some tom leykis. There are some situations and people where I wouldn't care but not too many.

how many times have u asked an attractive girl to get coffee or lunch just to talk and be bffs?
I never realised coffee was so provocative. I guess I need some caffeine in my decaf to get whipped up into such a sexual frenzy.
Any girlfriend of mine is allowed a maximum of three male friends. The Father, the Son and the Holy Ghost.

Just kidding, of course. As some have said, I also find it disturbing that you use the word 'allow' when posing that question. Do you see your partner as more of a possession that a person, TS?
I never realised coffee was so provocative. I guess I need some caffeine in my decaf to get whipped up into such a sexual frenzy.

This is what I don't get. All these posters saying that coffee falls clearly in the inappropriate category - why? There's nothing inherently sexual or intimate about it.
This is what I don't get. All these posters saying that coffee falls clearly in the inappropriate category - why? There's nothing inherently sexual or intimate about it.

People use coffee as an excuse for a date all the time. Obviously they are not going to burgle in the coffee shop. It has more to do with ur gf going with another guy exclusively without u or other friends
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