worst thing to eat


Blue Belt
Nov 12, 2005
Reaction score
what is the worst thing you could possibly eat while in training?
yeah, I'd have to go with botulinum
ohnestly if your looking for a generlization that can apply to most athlets, it would be stay away from fast food. I have nothing against a good well planned pizza, but your McDonnalds and burgerking are no-no's. but you are asking a very general question that can be taken almost anyway.

let me add to the flaming coments

GASOLINE!!!!!!! OWNZORS!!!!!!!!
stuff that is fried and is full of carbs


and I do love my donuts alright
i always feel sick after krispie kreme donuts, sick as in i just drank too many beers then smoked too much weed type of sick.
God I love donuts... I mean, I know they're the worst thing on the planet for me: refined flour fried in hydrogenated oils, covered in refined sugar, but shit... THEY'RE JUST SO TASTEY! As much as I try, I can't not buy donuts when I have the chance, luckily that opportunity doesn't happen more than twice a month. Krispy Kremes are the crack cocaine of junk food.
Urban said:
God I love donuts... I mean, I know they're the worst thing on the planet for me: refined flour fried in hydrogenated oils, covered in refined sugar, but shit... THEY'RE JUST SO TASTEY! As much as I try, I can't not buy donuts when I have the chance, luckily that opportunity doesn't happen more than twice a month. Krispy Kremes are the crack cocaine of junk food.

I agree! I haven't eaten any in about 8 months. I was passing by the donut shop on the way to work right before Chistmas though, and almost had a breakdown....nearly stopped to get a 1/2 dozen. But...somehow...resisted....

Damn, I like the ones that are glazed or half dipped in that chocolate stuff. Or filled with all sorts of bad sugary crap :)
thank god burgers didn't show up <wipes sweat away>
Donuts... I havn't had any in two months, and before that who knows how long ago. I was camping though and my uncle came back with a shit load and we were all starving, it was like heaven.
oh great, here I was being good with my diet and I read all these comments on Krispy Kreme...now I'm in the mood for one.

Oh...worst food. Crisco, right out of the can.
Eskimo Ice cream - Though traditionally made with Reindeer fat, akutaq, aqutuk, or ackutuk is commonly made today with crisco, sugar, dried berries, and cooked fish. Traditional recipes also often inclue seal oil. oddly enough, there's a lot of support for the health benefits of the traditional recipes as they are rich in fat soluble minerals. The newer, partially hydrogenated recipes however seem like pacemaker waiting to happen.
Sloppy Joes.
In general....If you can't kill it or grow it yourself (not saying you HAVE to kill or grow your own food), you probably shouldn't eat it. More specifically, if it comes in a box, leave it on the shelf. Stick to the outside edges of the grocery store and you'll do fine.
God I love donuts... I mean, I know they're the worst thing on the planet for me: refined flour fried in hydrogenated oils, covered in refined sugar, but shit... THEY'RE JUST SO TASTEY! As much as I try, I can't not buy donuts when I have the chance, luckily that opportunity doesn't happen more than twice a month. Krispy Kremes are the crack cocaine of junk food.

Every time I see someone eating those things all I can picture is them lumping vats of lard right into their mouths. And rabidly begging for more.
King Kabuki said:
Every time I see someone eating those things all I can picture is them lumping vats of lard right into their mouths. And rabidly begging for more.

Eat to live, don't live to eat.
a cheese frenchie and fries with a mountain dew. it's a grilled cheese sandwich that is deep fat fried. no way that's good for you. lol.
trans fats(cheez its) are not good also, they are tough to shed off