worst thing to eat

I dunno what the worst thing is, but the best thing for me is Corned Beef hash!!
Urban said:
Eskimo Ice cream - Though traditionally made with Reindeer fat, akutaq, aqutuk, or ackutuk is commonly made today with crisco, sugar, dried berries, and cooked fish. Traditional recipes also often inclue seal oil. oddly enough, there's a lot of support for the health benefits of the traditional recipes as they are rich in fat soluble minerals. The newer, partially hydrogenated recipes however seem like pacemaker waiting to happen.
I gotta try the real thing, now, that just sounds like something that if I died before having it, I would die incomplete.
I think I made a bad choice reading all this at lunch time.. I feel like stopping off for some of the most unhealthy meals of all time. My unhealthy food/drink of choice is soda. I usually limit it to one a day, but I could easily drink it all day long. Also beer on the weekends. I don't know weather the whole "drink shots instead" is really any healthier since alcohol is a poison either way but its tough to do that since I'm always finding myself at the beer pong table. Now that I've strayed off topic so much, it's time to head to a thread with healthier foods!
used needles?

I was say mcdonalds milk shake. It is 1/3rd animal fat. So if you drink 3, thats the equivilent of a whole big cup of fat. Try that before you go to bed...
Quick question is there that much difference between eating lean ground beef, sirloin and ground chuck when you are trying to bulk?
Fyodor Biznitch said:
Quick question is there that much difference between eating lean ground beef, sirloin and ground chuck when you are trying to bulk?

fat content mostly, fyi if you want the benifits of beef without eating beef take any lean meat like turkey or chicken and have some creatine with it.
Sticks of butter.. with sugar sprinklings. Good for your arteries.

Haha, ya Mick.. you go ahead and try yourself xome Excrement (err.. Eskimo) Ice Cream. Sounds great.. if i was a polar bear :)
You shoudnt eat WHILE training at all, but after;)
Seriously.. stay of azpartam sweetners and all kinds of sugar, saturated fat or heavily processed foods..
Have fruit and lots of proteins, chicken with white rice and steamed veggies..
the-spellr said:
You shoudnt eat WHILE training at all, but after;)
Seriously.. stay of azpartam sweetners and all kinds of sugar, saturated fat or heavily processed foods..
Have fruit and lots of proteins, chicken with white rice and steamed veggies..

i proclaim natural honey to be an acceptable sweetener that can be used to your hearts content. There is absolutly nothing wrong with it.
where i live they have the orginal "fat sanwhich"

a sample fat sandwich (and my favorite) is

a fat bitch
chicken fingers
mozzarella sticks
french fries

definitely the "worst thing you can eat", but great when you are drunk.
they come in various combinations.
Burger king King Kong Whopper large value meal.

I just woke up from the crash I just had with it.
Nothing from these


(oh god...im dying)

For all the Pizza lovers



ALL very bad stuff for your diet or martial arts training
ask sammy hoger how he got his sausage tits and theres your answer
tshay2003 said:
Sticks of butter.. with sugar sprinklings. Good for your arteries.

Haha, ya Mick.. you go ahead and try yourself xome Excrement (err.. Eskimo) Ice Cream. Sounds great.. if i was a polar bear :)
Delicious man. Especially when you spread that all over some chocolate donuts, and wash it all down with a 2 liter of soda.
Seriously though burgers are actually not all they are cracked up to be. I really don't like the taste of them.
Sonic them pics r making me so hungry.