It was...I'm shocked not one of you mentioned Maggie Gyllenhaal taking over the role of Rachel Dawes from Katie Holmes in the Dark Knight.
It was...
I like Twilight BatmanEmo Batman.
That really was a disaster of otherwise all-time great actors.Tom Hanks, Melanie Griffith, Bruce Willis and Morgan Freeman in Bonfire of the Vanities.
Jamie Fox in anything, really
Not the worst, but odd. Mare Winningham in Miracle Mile. The acting is fine, but I just don't see her with Anthony Edwards as a couple in a movie.
Ha! I was waiting for someone to say something. Love finds a way.Its funny now that they're actually married in real life.
Honorable mention to the airplane cast as a bird. Edit: I'm an idiot, apparently this is a shoop.Keanu Reeves in Dracula. Oldman was magnificent as Dracula, but Keanu’s bad acting drug the movie down.
Jesse Eisenberg as Lex Luther in BvS and Jared Leto as the Joker in Suicide Squad. I’m having a hard time figuring out who was worse. They’re equally horrible.
Tom Cruise as Jack Reacher. Alan Ritchson is the perfect choice. He’s big and imposing like the actual character is supposed to be, not some 5’7 pretty boy manlet.
Daniel Day-Lewis as Bill "The Butcher" in Gangs of New York. Great actor but he’s performance in this movie was comical and did not properly portray the real person.
Brad Pitt as Achilles in Troy. Great movie. It’s actually one of my favorites, but Brad Pitt was miscast. He’s portrayal of Achilles was cringy. This failure is comprehensive, so it's probably attributable to the producers, script and direction.
Constantine and Street Kings I thought he nailed it. Top 10 movies of mine still probablyKeaunu is usually pretty bad. I thought he did well in Devil's advocate. But I wonder how he kept getting work, there are lots of good looking guys who can act, there's a surplus. He has always been a likeable guy, maybe that's it.
Chris Pratt in "Passengers".
Just thought he was miscast.
Didn't fit the role.