Why does the left hate the new Joker?

You are being very unfair for trying to tie in the President to racism.

The Democrats pander and don't help African Americans.

Charles Barkley said Democrats aren't doing anything for them.


Using Charles Barkley to try to prove your point.... Jesus.
I saw it in theaters and removed a single moms hands from my pants so I could concentrate. Vengeance gave me a bigger boner than a certified nurse assistant ever could.

Also... This ruined the movie for me.

Andy Dwyer was a true treasure.
Why does the right hate the new batwoman show?

Did you watch it? Everyone hates the new Batwoman because it was terrible. Like terribly terrible. Full of mass pandering and ridiculously bad acting. I watch Supergirl that has a lot of feminism/social pandering but at least it's enjoyable. This Batwoman was laughably bad, like unintentional comedy bad. That's why it was universally panned by nearly all of it's viewers.

However, the "critics" gave it above average to good reviews. Why, because it was brave and progressive? Anyone even attempting to watch that show objectively would have rated it bad. Yet even after that incredible failure pilot episode, do you know what the first five headlines are if you google "Batwoman"?

-Trolls Are Leaving Negative Comments in Droves About ‘Batwoman’ on Review Sites

-‘Batwoman’ Is Getting IMDB And Rotten Tomato Review Bombed For Its Lesbian Lead

-Ruby Rose says Batwoman role was a perfect fit for her

-Suit Up! Batwoman's Meagan Tandy and Rachel Skarsten Tease Their Characters' Upcoming Arcs

-Batwoman Pilot Confirms That Joker Exists In The Arrowverse

Really? As universally panned as the show currently is, these are the headlines that populate when you google it. Not one negative headline at all? In fact, two headlines outright dismissing the negative reviews?? While Joker, a tremendously better movie, had tons of negative articles pre-release and directly after release when you looked it up. Even now you get two negative headlines out of five with "not funny" and "a movie for people to blame someone else".

Then I'm supposed to believe that there's no agenda in play?? Really? Really?? Not even subtle.

There is a strict racial hierarchy where white men are at the top. Whiteness becomes a privileged form desiring capital, enabling bodies that 'pass' as 'white', while marking out bodies which do not. Racial 'others' become produced in this economy of desire as fetishes or repugnant objects. Whiteness becomes the standard by which desirability is measured.

A conventionally masculine appearance is prized. Preferences for masculinity shame those whose bodies are “soft,” “curvaceous,” or “fat” — qualities associated with femininity — and position femininity as shameful and undesirable. Body shaming and policing, therefore, support the invalidation of femininity as a legitimate way of occupying the world.


It's So Good Being KING.
Critical race and whiteness studies? Hmmm I feeI should buy some hard liquor before attempting to read that. Any drinking game suggestions?
yous guys is alls stupids forreals.

big Marvel strikes again.

& this has been going on for 45+ years. documented information that is readily available for all the world to see.

the tactics he uses when facing adversity is all part of his age old ego driven repertoire. from business to politics, his response to incidents of old is not at all far from the way he responds to the incidents he faces today. "I always tell the truth, even when I lie".
He has always been screwing over people, from contractors he stiffed to using the WH to enrich his family to abusing the tax payers for the many vacations he takes. His defense has always been to double down with the lies and attack anyone who is critical of him and exposes his corruption. And he does this because he knows the GOP base will back him no matter what.
Gay community is a white supremacist heaven.


I've always felt such headlining was ridiculous and unnecessarily rude, now it's meme-worthy. At the same time, the attempts to legit extend preferences into the sphere of sociopolitical ideologies is an incredulous reach.
Did that just say that being fat is how to be feminine?

In a way, I guess it kind of is in the sense that E2 is an avenue to adipose and women inherently carry a disporportionate level of body fat. The standard and pressure to be lean and/or muscular is extremely high. Fegs are disproportionately physically fit compared to the hetero population, a yuge chunk of the culture is literally based on that.