Economy Why do people lie about wanting skilled migrants? Just say you don't want any immigrants.

They would prefer less immigrants. Maybe significantly less immigrants. Not no immigrants. Just like “limited government” doesn’t mean “duhh what about muh traffic lights!!”. It’s a straw man.

Skill doesn’t matter though it can’t be argued that there is a massive skill, innovation, and contribution gap between migrants of the last 40-50 years compared to the migrants before, during, and a little while after world war 2.

Irregardless, what class they fall into ultimately doesn’t matter. I’m a working class person. I have more personal relationships with immigrants than I I do Americans these days. I like them and have more in common with most of them.

Despite that, I’m still disgusted by what I see at the border.

I think people wouldn’t complain if there was atleast some sign that control over our borders belongs to Americans. It pisses people off seeing people March to your border carrying the flag of another country and then refusing to take no for an answer.

That is a spit in the face to everybody. People that don’t mind it would probably take being spit in the face sitting down. Everybody knows this is fucked up.

That is why polls show that most people, right wingers included, support pathways to citizenship…

..but on the other hand the majority of people, many democrats included, would agree with the sentiment that there is an invasion at the southern border. According to a NPR poll that made them quite salty.

The by design contradictory laws meant to sow chaos are obvious to everybody. The asylum loopholes are obscene and the medias insistence that these aren’t pure economic migrants exposing a loophole further creates the anger you see that manifest against migrants and groups that facilitate them.

No SA or CA nation should have people that qualify for asylum. The government would never declare that any of those governments are engaging in active persecution of any group of people.

There is no war. There is no famine. Even “climate change” is a BS excuse unless the US is somehow not touched by it …despite the democrats insistence that every minor or major natural emergency is the result of not electing democrats to change the weather.

There is an excessive amount of gang violence in the United States so that claim is bullshit.

The United States has a bigger Salvadoran and Honduran gang problem than El Salvador and Honduras. The Mexican Cartels operate in the United States…yet, we’re accepting people fleeing gang violence? Fuck off.

Also, it’s always more immigration. We can never talk about less. There will never be reform unless one party gains total control to enact one.

There isn’t an agreement of what border security means. Border security means immigrants aren’t getting over unless fully approved to republicans. To democrats, it only means letting in as many as possible without drawing attention to it.
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It makes absolutely zero sense for a country to import skilled migrants over unskilled ones. Why would you want migrants to come to your country and compete for your most desirable positions? The purpose of migrants should be to take positions that are undesirable. If there are high skilled positions in your country that the local population deem undesirable then that is a problem the government needs to fix.

If you don't want unskilled migrants to come then just say you don't want immigration altogether. It's a stupid argument to even bring up. Migrants by definition should be unskilled relative to the local population.
Skilled Labor has legal requirements that the available job first be offered to Americans and only if the employer can not find any American can they then offer it to a foreigner.
There's a difference between migrant, refugee and immigrant. Countries need decent immigrants who want to become a part of the fabric of their adopted societies. There's a long term investment factor from both ends of the deal when it comes to immigration.

Migrants? Well, they should be viewed as people supplied by temp agencies. And nobody looks to get skilled bodies from temp agencies as there's no commitment from either party.
You act like there's an abundance of high level engineers and doctors already here.

It's not a want, it's a need.

That is an issue with the country that needs to be fixed. That is also a very small % of immigrants that come into a country.

If there are a million immigrants into America. Do you want one million doctors/engineers or people that take the undesirable jobs in society?
..because people don’t want to say they are suspicious of people who are different than they are and that they would prefer not to hear other languages spoken in the grocery store, at the bank, etc.
I agree with this MAGA conservative and basically want slave labour, that we need to traffic people through shitty conditions to put food on our tables and build shit for us.

This guy is an intellectual giant too, been in congress 15 years. I know people like to joke about AOC and MTG big can someone please watch this clip and explain how someone can expect Guam to capsize due to too many people on it?. @koquerelle don’t you love how the dear admiral politely responds? It is like a meme lol

can anyone even watch this clip and not wonder what the fuck?

The Guam guy will always hold a special place in my heart.
i’m guessing you want americans to stop having kids as well yeah?
Why would I care what other tax paying citizens do? I've been pretty vocal about welfare queens, deadbeat parents and dynasties of dependence in the past, have I not?

Serious question, you thought that was a really clever gotcha, didn't you? Like, you just assumed that I'd be like "well, if they're Americans I don't care if they take advantage of everyone" didn't you?
OMG, imagine if they were white too?!?!?

I agree with this MAGA conservative and basically want slave labour, that we need to traffic people through shitty conditions to put food on our tables and build shit for us.

This guy is an intellectual giant too, been in congress 15 years. I know people like to joke about AOC and MTG big can someone please watch this clip and explain how someone can expect Guam to capsize due to too many people on it?. @koquerelle don’t you love how the dear admiral politely responds? It is like a meme lol

can anyone even watch this clip and not wonder what the fuck?


I want immigrants. I just want them to come legally and not be a huge tax payer drain. Door should be open to highly skilled migrants from most countries and work visas to do farm shit should be super easy to come by.

Why is it such an issue to say you don't want people to just walk over?
There's a big difference between healthy immigration and unfettered destruction of the greatest country in the world via at best, unmanaged immigration...
Lack I checked, we need both skilled and unskilled. Good luck finding an adequate supply of native-born Americans willing to do all the jobs that semi-skilled migrants tend to be associated with.
Why would I care what other tax paying citizens do? I've been pretty vocal about welfare queens, deadbeat parents and dynasties of dependence in the past, have I not?

Serious question, you thought that was a really clever gotcha, didn't you? Like, you just assumed that I'd be like "well, if they're Americans I don't care if they take advantage of everyone" didn't you?
OMG, imagine if they were white too?!?!?

no it’s more that you and i pay for public schools but you’re not clamoring for people to stop having kids. undocumented immigrants are ineligible for welfare, at least on a federal level, so i don’t know where that’s coming from. undocumented immigrants also pay taxes, in fact they pay into social security which they can’t benefit from. so i really don’t get what your issue is.
..because people don’t want to say they are suspicious of people who are different than they are and that they would prefer not to hear other languages spoken in the grocery store, at the bank, etc.

You just described human nature. Congratulations!
It makes absolutely zero sense for a country to import skilled migrants over unskilled ones. Why would you want migrants to come to your country and compete for your most desirable positions? The purpose of migrants should be to take positions that are undesirable. If there are high skilled positions in your country that the local population deem undesirable then that is a problem the government needs to fix.

If you don't want unskilled migrants to come then just say you don't want immigration altogether. It's a stupid argument to even bring up. Migrants by definition should be unskilled relative to the local population.
Cool opinion bro
It makes absolutely zero sense for a country to import skilled migrants over unskilled ones. Why would you want migrants to come to your country and compete for your most desirable positions? The purpose of migrants should be to take positions that are undesirable. If there are high skilled positions in your country that the local population deem undesirable then that is a problem the government needs to fix.

If you don't want unskilled migrants to come then just say you don't want immigration altogether. It's a stupid argument to even bring up. Migrants by definition should be unskilled relative to the local population.

If you have a massive skills shortage, I'll use the UK as example, then your industries that need those skills will struggle to recruit the right staff. They will pay higher wages for domestic workers with less than desirable skills. And generally their productivity will suffer along with having to absorb higher costs and they will struggle to grow as a business. Which in turn means the economy will stagnate.

We've done exactly that in the UK with Brexit but we already had a severe skills shortage problem to start with. This has only made it worse.

A lot of our Junior doctors are leaving terrible working conditions and low pay in the UK to go and work in Australia for 3 times what they could earn here and enjoy much better working conditions. So we are having to import skilled workers from elsewhere. Currently we are tapping into Nigerian Junior doctors, bringing them over here with the lure of better money and then working them to death in our hospitals. Obviously Nigeria are not happy due to losing their brightest young doctors.

The whole concept of a high wage economy (by restricting imported workers) only works when you are willing to invest in education and training for your domestic employment market. Captains of industry in the UK after Brexit have been pleading with the government to rethink the import of skilled workers from Europe. Essentially they are asking to reverse the stop 'freedom of movement' bit of Brexit that most grass roots Brexit voters liked the most.
It makes absolutely zero sense for a country to import skilled migrants over unskilled ones. Why would you want migrants to come to your country and compete for your most desirable positions? The purpose of migrants should be to take positions that are undesirable. If there are high skilled positions in your country that the local population deem undesirable then that is a problem the government needs to fix.

If you don't want unskilled migrants to come then just say you don't want immigration altogether. It's a stupid argument to even bring up. Migrants by definition should be unskilled relative to the local population.
There is legal immigration and illegal immigration. This administration is supporting illegal immigration.