Whats Your Most Nerdy Thing About You?

I have soccer cards from 3 World Cups.

I own every comic book from the original Punisher series, Punisher War Zone, Punisher War Journal, Punisher Armory, and Punisher 2099, and I'm still wondering while the hell I bought them all.

The best 80s cartoon, if you can even put it in that category, was Robotech: Macross Saga.
desertbake said:
I still occassionally watch The Princess Bride, The Dark Crystal, and The Goonies

LOL, In the past 3 days I watched Goonies, Princess Bride, followed by Ferris Bueller's Day Off.
sir037 said:
I have soccer cards from 3 World Cups.

I own every comic book from the original Punisher series, Punisher War Zone, Punisher War Journal, Punisher Armory, and Punisher 2099, and I'm still wondering while the hell I bought them all.

The best 80s cartoon, if you can even put it in that category, was Robotech: Macross Saga.

LOL my most nerdy thing is that my sig is a quote from the punisher movie
Sometimes when I'm training I'll break out Michael Jackson Dance moves or the Robot.
ClampXVII said:
I know alot of people do but I still listen to the same cds form like 6-7 years ago. Darude anyone?

Yeah, Sandstorm is still my number one training CD...
desertbake said:
I still occassionally watch The Princess Bride, The Dark Crystal, and The Goonies

That's considered nerdy? Jeez, I'm more of a nerd than I thought. I got my kid watching The Goonies, too. One of the best movies ever, next to Ghostbusters and Back to the Future.
^^^Damn that was bad
I download roms of old games, Punch out Anyone?
I love Punchout. The only game I liked more was Techmo Super Bowl.

and btw, I just downloaded Ashlee's new album and it fuckin r0x! Can't wait to hit the gym tomorrow and blast that shit!
Dominic Kihlstrand said:

Another dorky thing I did though was eat spagettios out of the can with a plastic spoon. Both of which I got from a store near my gym.
I'm gonna take a wild guess and say this didn't happen to long ago did it? :wink:
Beat this: Once during a pick up game of basketball at a park, after scoring off a 3 on 2 breakaway I yell out '2 IN THE BOX!' then my other two friends follow up with 'READY TO GO' and 'WE BE FAST' and then in unison 'THEY BE SLOW!' And if you can tell me what movie thats from you're a god amongst men. Also I skipped school and football practice in HS to see Episode II: Attack of the CLones and got kicked off the team for it. And I regret not going to star wars celebrations last year.
I have 3 Master Replicas Force FX Lightsabers (Windu, Anakin, Vader). I also occasionally dual with my friends at night and it is frickin' fun!
SAKUZA said:
I collect baseball cards

Thats not geeky IMO. I have boxes of Baseball, Football, and Basketball cards!

I got something new to add...

I bought a Replica Wrestling belt because it looks sweet! :p I sometimes wear it, IN MY HOUSE, with my sprawls or xfgear shorts on and Imagine I am the Great Fedor or Wanderlei :D