War Room Lounge v82: I have watched alcohol ruin many people. Thanks for your interest Mr. Problems.

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Strongly agree

In the spirit of ignoring a joke to nitpick, he's mixing up two groups here. Homophobes aren't the ones trying to end homophobia; early computer literate types are a more liberal and anti-homophobic group. And the ones trying to end homophobia generally had the same views before it was cool to be on a computer/device all day.
In the spirit of ignoring a joke to nitpick, he's mixing up two groups here. Homophobes aren't the ones trying to end homophobia; early computer literate types are a more liberal and anti-homophobic group. And the ones trying to end homophobia generally had the same views before it was cool to be on a computer/device all day.

Shut up gay
Long post. Read or read not, but no tl;dr, sorry.

Speaking of "I have watched [x] ruin many people", call centres suck. In a sickly-sweet ironic turn of events, the last place I worked before starting my own company, where I was repeatedly passed over for advancement despite a decade of experience when I started there, announced it is closing and laying off everyone.

A couple of years ago or so, a publicly traded multi-national (about which I had some prior knowledge) bought the place. We got small raises, new backend systems that improved access to information, updated training for supervisors--people were pretty stoked. Not me. I wonder if anyone here recalls the MASH episode when they reported a cease fire and everyone was excited about it but Trapper John.

I warned everyone,

After the public announcement of the planned layoffs, I ran into my old boss; he's a great manager and Captain Obvious doppellganger, but no matter my warm feelings for him, I couldn't resist,

If you work in a call centre for a publicly traded company you have absolutely 0 job security. That place was in pretty much continuous operation in private hands for 15 years or more, then as soon as these motherfuckers took over, poof! 200+ jobs in the toilet.

Of course, the place was a branch office of a private company so no one here was going to have any impact on the decision to sell, but still, I fuckin' atodaso. I haven't got it in me to gloat beyond that despite the temptation. I essentially wasted 5 years working there so I have reason for a lot of hard feelings, but I find it sensible to direct them at the call centre environment and culture rather than the individuals working in it, most of whom are perfectly fine people. Here's hoping they find a new contract and stay open but I wouldn't count on it. Instead, this place will likely join the others that now open only on a contract basis, employ people for a couple of years or so and then close again until the next contract. That might be good if you're close-ish to retirement (some there are), but the younger folks will get fucked.

A part of me wants to crow just due to the (honestly delicious) irony, but it's cheap and too easy and anyway it's just impossible to not empathize with these people with whom I worked, considering I ended up coming back to PEI because the previous place I worked closed down also. Just had to get this off my chest in here where it is unlikely to impact anyone there: the next time I step foot in a call centre will be as a ghost.
Dude I work for a bank, so I feel this post. My overlords just outsourced our entire desktop support, who were damn reliable, because some new exec needs to justify their existence by changing something. And about 9 years ago they brought in a dev team from India to save money. Of course 9 years later we’re still fixing all their buggy code at 120k average per developer, so, as usual, the suits are dumb.

also, call “centre”? Are you from middle earth?
no nut november, does that include sex with the wife? asking for a friend.

Also, does movember apply to the wife?
no nut november, does that include sex with the wife? asking for a friend.

Also, does movember apply to the wife?

Sex with the wife or donuts doesn’t count.
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how about kill yourself November

i mean, it doesn't really go together, but maybe it should
how about kill yourself November

i mean, it doesn't really go together, but maybe it should

You can’t get seasonal depression if you aren’t alive when it starts
Woke up to my wife baking cinnamon rolls

It's a good day
Interesting my girlfriend told she me was baking cinnamon rolls and was going to bring them over but her husband woke up and ruined it. I kid, are you guys big into breakfast? I have to eat breakfast but can skip lunch no problems
Pretty sure there was a reason Jesus turned water into wine. Are people really saying that Jesus did an evil thing?

I always understood that was just so they could keep partying, not for sanitary reasons. Wedding ran out of wine for the guests, Jesus made more, hosts got compliments for having good stuff at the end not cheap swill as would be expected.

Bible condones drunkenness, but not having a few. It's the minority, but I believe the churches who think Christians shouldn't drink at all have it wrong.
Look at how Betamoto prefers censorship to reasonable dialog. Back in my day "women and children" was a common category and most people understood why.

Look at how Betamoto prefers censorship to reasonable dialog. Back in my day "women and children" was a common category and most people understood why.

How is it fucking reasonable to have children fight? That's barbarism that even the fucking Romans didn't take part in you fucking muppet nonce.
Look at how Betamoto prefers censorship to reasonable dialog. Back in my day "women and children" was a common category and most people understood why.

I get it. "Betamoto" because "beta" is like an insult, and you are hurt that he mocked that stupid question. Good one!

And nice job talking his comment about a stupid question literally to suggest that he "prefers censorship to reasonable dialog. Yoo is on a roll!
KINGSTON, NY: Charles Miles beat Steven Augustine with a baseball bat while robbing him. Miles was jailed for only 72 days after pleading guilty to a misdemeanor charge. District Attorney Holley Carnright claimed there was no intent to cause serious physical harm and therefore no reason for felony assault charges. The victim is a father of two who worked 12-hour shifts as a chef to support his family. He was attacked as he walked home from his job.


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