War Room Lounge v138: it's just an objective fact that your mother is a *Larrold*

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Service stations with actual service are something I associate with countries where hourly wages are something everyone should feel bad about.
New Jersey Turnpike won’t let you pump gas. Could be all of Jersey for all I know.
Service stations with actual service are something I associate with countries where hourly wages are something everyone should feel bad about.

I've read this a few times and I am still not sure what you are trying to say
Help me, am retarded

When they said they loved me it meant they’d be pumping my gas forever or until I have a car that runs on like water.

"Hey Sara, why did you dump your boyfriend?"
"He stopped pumping my gas"

In NJ it's illegal to pump your own gas.

When I was in college one of my buddies from NJ pulled into a Philly gas station and almost handed a homeless dude his card because he thought he was an attendant.

I stopped him and proceeded to laugh at that and his attempt afterwards to pump his own gas.

One time while working up north in Oregon I had to deal with the whole not allowed to pump your own gas thing

I don't like it, not one bit
@Prokofievian I'm watching the Chessable Masters stream, and they have on a GM Super Autist named Sam who is interrupting everyone and telling Danny Rensch (oops sorry, it's John Bartholomew), that his ideas are stupid, and just generally being a pud while giving long lines of analysis really quickly. It's a total shitshow lol.
Where can I join
I've read this a few times and I am still not sure what you are trying to say
Help me, am retarded

"Hey Sara, why did you dump your boyfriend?"
"He stopped pumping my gas"

One time while working up north in Oregon I had to deal with the whole not allowed to pump your own gas thing

I don't like it, not one bit
And opening jars
Looks like McGrath edged out Booker for the KY Dem primary.
I've read this a few times and I am still not sure what you are trying to say
Help me, am retarded

The only time I've encountered servos where someone fills your car for you has been in developing countries where hourly rates for unskilled jobs are often less than the price of a litre of fuel.
So while letting someone else do it for you might be seen as a positive because it's more employment opportunities, the only reason it exists is because the ridiculously low labour rates make it viable.
Similar situation with parking lot attendants.
The only time I've encountered servos where someone fills your car for you has been in developing countries where hourly rates for unskilled jobs are often less than the price of a litre of fuel.
So while letting someone else do it for you might be seen as a positive because it's more employment opportunities, the only reason it exists is because the ridiculously low labour rates make it viable.
Similar situation with parking lot attendants.
Biden is on the tv machine. I gotta say trump fans confident for the hail mary that he'll be like a robot malfunctioning during the debates seems like the biggest mistake.
Biden is on the tv machine. I gotta say trump fans confident for the hail mary that he'll be like a robot malfunctioning during the debates seems like the biggest mistake.

Biden certainly sounds a bit old when he speaks but at least he's not "should we inject disinfectant" retarded.
I wish Prince Andrew posted here.
Biden is on the tv machine. I gotta say trump fans confident for the hail mary that he'll be like a robot malfunctioning during the debates seems like the biggest mistake.

He didn’t do poorly in the primary ones. A few off moments but overall was fine and not the characterization some are acting like. I do suppose it just takes one gaffe for people to make an overly big deal about it and someone tie that to whether they should vote for the person or not. Never understood that.
@Prokofievian I'm watching the Chessable Masters stream, and they have on a GM Super Autist named Sam who is interrupting everyone and telling Danny Rensch (oops sorry, it's John Bartholomew), that his ideas are stupid, and just generally being a pud while giving long lines of analysis really quickly. It's a total shitshow lol.

Lol I caught a bit of that. It was enjoyable.
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