Elections War criminal Dick Cheney, who lied about weapons of destruction has officially endorsed Comrade Kamala Harris.

Cheney is determined to do everything in his power to support Kamala.

In fact, I hear he wants to help her handle the stress of the election by taking her on a hunting trip... šŸ˜ˆ
Charleston White who admitted and advocated the rape of non-black women AND BABIES. Is certainly a ringing endorsement.

Is the your blacks4trump candidate @HereticBD ?

Bill Clinton just spoke at the DNC
He inserted a cigar into his intern's vagina and blew a load on her dress
same thing
I saw some people on Imgur say that he gave them friendly grandpa vibes WTF
i see people acting like he's a credible observer on the nation's political dynamics, all of a sudden, which is worse, cause it says all about their ideological foundations.
I was posting about this yesterday and a bunch of goofs kept chiming in to either defend Cheney or make a personal post about me ignoring Cheney all together.

TDS has no cure.
They were character assasinating anyone who dared question it at the time, but now they never supported it.
Same thing will happen if Trump loses. We will start hearing about how he wasn't very popular and only the fanatical fringe supported him. Also how only a few crazies believed in stop the steal. We got a few people here who are already hedging their bets by saying they don't like him yet defend him tooth and nail. I just wonder if/when they try to make it seem like it was actually the Democrats that supported him.
i see people acting like he's a credible observer on the nation's political dynamics, all of a sudden, which is worse, cause it says all about their ideological foundations.
Maybe seeing lifelong republicans vote for the dem because trump is so bad has shook your foundations and screwed up your perception
I was posting about this yesterday and a bunch of goofs kept chiming in to either defend Cheney or make a personal post about me ignoring Cheney all together.

TDS has no cure.
Dems have been doing this for a while, nothing to do with Trump.