Vendetta: State Of Colorado Goes After Cake Maker Jack Phillips Again

Transvestites aren't transgenders, and fashion changes so radically that what they wore as men's clothing comes closer, by modern standards, to a woman's dress. Furthermore, if the transgender person isn't yet transgender, and isn't cross-dressing when he/she orders, then even this religious text is irrelevant.

Finally, the freedom to practice religion doesn't supersede secular law. We are not a Christian nation. We are a secular nation composed mostly of Christians (for now, at least). We cannot tolerate a precedent that allows a Muslim to refuse service to a Christian because anyone who isn't a Muslim is an "infidel". We must manage a common space.

The best defense of the baker, here, is my previously forwarded arguments about custom orders. It preserves both the CRA and the freedom of religion. It really is a finely-balanced and highly creative compromise. I'm quite proud of it.
You asked about Christian belief on transgender issues. It's a sin. So I answered with the text.
Remember when the smart people told you guys that even though they won their court case, they were still in violation of the law?

Pepperidge Farm remembers.
You asked about Christian belief on transgender issues. It's a sin. So I answered with the text.
Except that your passage didn't bear on transgenderism. You see, it wasn't a thing at the time the Bible was written, and the Bible hasn't turned out all that swell at predicting future technologies.

It wasn't even right about basic universal scientific truths or laws.
How does Christian belief bear on transgender issues?

It seems to me there are some here pursuing a precedent where "religious belief" becomes a catch-all to avoid established civil law when an individual doesn't care for it. What's next? Serving a black couple violates someone's "religious beliefs"? I'm sure some asshole will try to found a religion that forwards that theology.

This is extremely dicey.

Isn't the issue not so much who he's serving but what he's serving? If I hire a graphic designer do they necessarily have to create whatever I say? Or can they decline the job if they don't like the subject matter? I've been involved in projects where printers refused to do the work (citing objections by religious employees). Guess what. A different printer was easily found.
Gay marriage was never about gay marriage. It was all about pushing an agenda. And going after people's lives who do not support all the gay.
Lmfao never change
Everything in these people's world view comes down to victim vs oppressor. Christians are the oppressors to the LGBT so they are treated as such. You always hear the argument "well you don't want muslims getting away with this do you" but the reality is the people who will go after Christians will never go after Muslim in the same manner because in their world view Christians are also the oppressors of Muslims.

They are going to keep going after this guy until they get the result they want which is the courts force this guy to sumbit or they force his business to shut down. If this was simply about a cake, they could have easily found a maker and both sides could have moved on but this is about using the courts to set a national precedent that will change this country on the level or Roe vs Wade. But fascism is suppose to come from the other side.
Everything in these people's world view comes down to victim vs oppressor. Christians are the oppressors to the LGBT so they are treated as such. You always hear the argument "well you don't want muslims getting away with this do you" but the reality is the people who will go after Christians will never go after Muslim in the same manner because in their world view Christians are also the oppressors of Muslims.

They are going to keep going after this guy until they get the result they want which is the courts force this guy to sumbit or they force his business to shut down. If this was simply about a cake, they could have easily found a maker and both sides could have moved on but this is about using the courts to set a national precedent that will change this country on the level or Roe vs Wade. But fascism is suppose to come from the other side.
They won't stop until Jack Phillips is destroyed financially. They probably want him in prison too. That is why they call it the Gaystapo.
Isn't the issue not so much who he's serving but what he's serving? If I hire a graphic designer do they necessarily have to create whatever I say? Or can they decline the job if they don't like the subject matter? I've been involved in projects where printers refused to do the work (citing objections by religious employees). Guess what. A different printer was easily found.
Yes, this is my focus. It has to be a matter of custom ordering, and that custom ordering violating the private business owner's religious (or personal) beliefs.

This way we can preserve a healthy precedent, and maintain integrity of both the Civil Rights Act, and the political freedom of citizens in the private sector.
Yes it does.
No, it doesn't. It speaks of cross-dressing.
This case is different from others because we're talking about custom cakes. The man is happy to sell LGBTBBQ members cakes off the shelf however he won't accept a special request that involves spending hours decorating a cake from scratch about a theme he disagrees with. It's like if you went to an artist and told them that you wanted to commission them into making something that disgusts them or something they don't feel comfortable painting, and the artist refused. Forcing them to do it would be mandated labour, that's fucked up. Protected classes in the context of mandated labour wouldn't even make sense, are you going to go to an artist who's an atheist and force them to draw them to draw pictures of Jesus Christ? That's why the courts went in favour of him.

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LGBTWTFBBQ Mafia out in full force now? I'm an atheist and I think the Gaystapo need to be eradicated.
I think people are underestimating the cleverness of this cake request if the story is accurate. It's merely for a pink cake with blue frosting. He has probably made a number of those previously.
Yes, this is my focus. It has to be a matter of custom ordering, and that custom ordering violating the private business owner's religious (or personal) beliefs.
I can agree with you on this^
I don't get not baking a cake as a baker, that's literally what you do, but lol at explaining your personal interpretation of a cake to a baker just to get him to not bake it, it's the move of an asshat.
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omg just make the cake you fuckin' twit.

it's not like he's being asked to draw a giant dick on the cake. pink on the inside and blue on the outside. he can pretend its a cake for smurfette.
I think people are underestimating the cleverness of this cake request if the story is accurate. It's merely for a pink cake with blue frosting. He has probably made a number of those previously.
They probably would have been fine if they hadn't apparently stated it was requested for. Also, by asking for a specific style of cake for a specified reason counter to his religious believes we end up back at square one like the 1st cake.
omg just make the cake you fuckin' twit.

it's not like he's being asked to draw a giant dick on the cake. pink on the inside and blue on the outside. he can pretend its a cake for smurfette.
Why should he capitulate and compromise on his believes to suit their and your own beliefs or feelings on the matter? Also, that would certainly set a bad precedent regarding his first court case and his stated reason for refusal that ultimately led to his victory in that case.
Everyone involved in this, Phillips and the gay couple and the attorney and literally everyone, is a fucking idiot.

Life is so fucking short. What kind of a fucking moron has the time and energy to spend it on this kind of shit?

Then again - I'm here on Sherdog...
Right? Can you believe those uppity blacks just sat in at restaurants that wouldn't serve them?

Who has time for fighting for their civil rights?

What a bunch of idiots.

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