Vegan Gains bashing Joe Rogan

Getting bashed by Vegan Gains is a sign that you're on the right track in life.

Don't expect anyone to really watch all of this, but here's a guy who knows what a fucktard VG is.

Jerry Ward is the biggest retard ever.

Don't listen to a guy that supports fake natties saying they're good for the industry and supports supplements that don't even work.
So you can read, what are YOU going to do about it?

No, I'm actually functionally illiterate., I simply use text to speech programs extensively.

I guess I'm simply taken aback about the brazenness with which you admit it.

What am I going to do about it? Is that some wannabe tough guy challenge of the type I haven't heard since high school or what? I'm confused, text is a difficult medium to gleam context sometimes.
Wtf is a vegan going to do in the wild? Pick some berries?? "where is my tofu" lmao
Actually, it is murder; however you want to spin it. And I'm not caring about "turning" anyone. This is just the truth. Humans spin shit to suit their biases but animal-killing is unnecessary and murderous. What's the difference between killing and murdering? Just because it's an animal? An animal is still a person - ask any pet owner. You kill a person's pet for no reason and it's murder. The only real difference between murder and killing is linguistical.

I often wonder where some people that share your ideas on animals think human beings fit in as far as nature is concerned. I personally tend to lean towards animal death being necessary in the wild. Animals eat other animals, but where does the human role actually fit? We have one. We are a part of nature. Just what exactly is it. Or should it be?
wow, that was extremely annoying. I'm gonna go eat a steak right meow even though i don't want to. ugh. I'll never go vegan/vegetarian even if it means eating my own leg now.

Hahahah, I would pay money to see you do that...

Wtf is a vegan going to do in the wild? Pick some berries?? "where is my tofu" lmao

Lets make this simple for you...Do you live in the wild, or in a home?
I know Carnists that dont shit for a week.
Hahahah, I would pay money to see you do that...

I would go halfs with you!

"vegesus" is it safe to assume you're a vegetarian based on that handle or is that in reference to something else?
[QUOTE="Kelladoor, post: 113313777, member: 475573"]Actually, it is murder; however you want to spin it. And I'm not caring about "turning" anyone. This is just the truth. Humans spin shit to suit their biases but animal-killing is unnecessary and murderous. What's the difference between killing and murdering? Just because it's an animal? An animal is still a person - ask any pet owner. You kill a person's pet for no reason and it's murder. The only real difference between murder and killing is linguistical.[/QUOTE]

He does have a point. By definition human on human is the only way murder can occur . If a shark ate a fish, would you say that the shark murdered the fish? If a lion ate a human, would you say that it the Lion murdered the human? If you're talking about the actual word murder then no, a human is not able to murder an animal.

I have two dogs, I love them but they aren't people... they're dogs. Someone can kill them but not murder them by very definition.
I would go halfs with you!

"vegesus" is it safe to assume you're a vegetarian based on that handle or is that in reference to something else?

The garden of eden is based on vegan mythology, eating the friut from the "tree of knowledge" (Carnisim) etc

That is only scratching the surface...
Vegans are so hateful and pushy with their vegan religion

Wasn't Joe Rogan being hateful and pushy through his stand up?

Eating a truly vegan diet will kill you, you need vitamin B12. You can get it through supplements, but the source of those supplements is not vegan.

Some companies stamp on the side of the container that it is; but supplement companies are unregulated.
You do realize animals vitamins are injected with B12.
fruit from the "tree of knowledge"

The Bible is not talking about eating actual fruit, it is talking about the dangers of eating from the Tree of Life.



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