International USA convoy

unemployed just like i thought.
Fuck are you stupid , I’m self employed . You morons fighting against these truckers really are in for a rude awakening. I honestly can’t wait for things to get so bad people have nothing to lose ..You think the rally in Ottawa was something try running this bs another year .
Sure, but it's a question of when.

Complaining about masks is weak. I have some sympathy for vaccine hesitation but choice is the price of democracy, and America had a critical mass of morons who thought cherry picking the minority of people on the internet saying what they wanted to hear and calling it research meant they were informed.

America is approaching a million deaths. That didn't have to happen.

It blows me away that some people handwave a million deaths and still insist this wasn't serious. You had a million deaths under what some people claim were tyrannical measures, imagine how bad it would have been without those measures.

It's amazing how gooey you get with the sanctimonious twaddle that oozes on out of you when it comes to the rights of others. You literally reek of bitch.

Where your mudflaps quivering this bad about the ongoing obesity and opioid epidemic? What's the body count for those, hypocrite?

Here, let me help you out bud:
Obesity has reached epidemic proportions globally, with at least 2.8 million people dying each year as a result of being overweight or obese. Once associated with high-income countries, obesity is now also prevalent in low- and middle-income countries.

Drug overdose deaths in the United States worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic, hitting a record high of 93,331 in 2020 and staying at elevated levels through the end of the year

If you look further into the demographics you'll find that it isn't people over 70 with four or more comorbidity's that are dying

The death and dying come from the flower of society: The youth. Not people who's vitality was already circling the drain before they passed on to Glory.

It's them that you are obstinately ignoring in order to kvetch like an old woman about the choices other people make so you cowardly nosophobic hypochondriacs can bandy about your noxious boutique pet projects that serve no one and nothing except the neurosis of your unresolved power and control issues.
The 25- to 34-age-group is experiencing the most opioid overdose deaths – 12,537 – a 4% increase from 2018, and a 921% increase since 1999. Currently, 73% of preventable opioid deaths occur among those ages 25 to 54, and the number of deaths among individuals 55 and older is growing rapidly.

In addition to being a child rape apologist ("It's not child -rape, it's conservative talking point!") all that preening you do in order to maintain the bullshit illusion of your lofty moral certitude speaks to your inhumanity as it manifests with every lie that seeps out of your fleshlight mouth.

Fuck are you stupid , I’m self employed . You morons fighting against these truckers really are in for a rude awakening. I honestly can’t wait for things to get so bad people have nothing to lose ..You think the rally in Ottawa was something try running this bs another year .

I understand you're angry because the social system doesn't pay much when you are unemployed.
I hear Putin is needing some drivers to jelp jis supply chain.