Elections US Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell calls Marjorie Taylor Greene a 'cancer'

God I dont like Q retards

I'd have a little bit of pity for her if she actually believed any of this. But to push these CT and not believing them is dangerous. There is a large percentage of the population who can't separate fact from fiction and seeing people in authority believing something therefore it must be somewhat true.
While the Q stuff was and is beyond insane, thinking that there is a network of elite pedophiles that are above justice is not insane. It’s what Epstein proved.

So now people add on to to which that is already beyond heinous.

when our normal real reality is already that disgusting, people don’t have to far to go to take it into insanity land

edit: here is congresswoman Greene


And congresswoman boebert



I can see why leftists in congress are intimidated.

double edit: that hip holster is sexy as fuck. Wood

Damn, Boebert is quite fine.
You're attracted to dumb, ugly crazy women because subconsciously you know that they're your only choice.

Don't get all pissy because I said your username is a girls name. Grow a sense of humor cuz.
Yes, because she just said something dumb, that's all. Nothing to see here guys, the two crazy Qanon ladies just say silly things.

The best part of all of this is that Greene is straight conning Republicans with her bullshit. She doesn't even believe it but that doesn't stop her from saying it over and over. I think that's pretty fuck disrespectful to Republicans. One of the Parkland mothers spoke with her and point-blank asked her if she thought the shooting was a false flag. Under pressure, Greene folded. But that didn't stop her from going back out and make the claim over and over. I guess that means she doesn't think highly of the people who follow her.
I wonder if some people have simply figured out that conspiracy theories are really popular nowadays, and belief in them is preferable to skepticism.

Saying outlandish things used to be a serious setback to political careers, but it has a willing audience these days.
I'd have a little bit of pity for her if she actually believed any of this. But to push these CT and not believing them is dangerous. There is a large percentage of the population who can't separate fact from fiction and seeing people in authority believing something therefore it must be somewhat true.
Agree with you man. Sad state affairs going on
Where was Mitch McConnell when democratic congressman Cohen called every white male in America terrorism suspects. That’s downright war rhetoric.

this bitch is just crazy. For every insane AOC, there is now going to be her mirror image voted in on the right.
Yea this is a sad problem we don't need "the world ends in 11 years" AOC and dolts on the right like Greene.
her reply to Mitch on twitter
"The real cancer for the Republican Party is weak Republicans who only know how to lose gracefully.
This is why we are losing our country.
— Marjorie Taylor Greene"

Lol she's implying it's not a good thing to lose gracefully
Takes one to know one Turtlefuck
Lol at this nonsense. The squad sees racism everywhere and AOC makes the argument that it’s better to be morally correct rather than factually correct. That statement wins them all. Bc that one literally takes reality, the truth, and burns it in favor of feelings and moral virtue signaling.

the squad is way worse. And more divisive.

Utterly bizarre take. You cannot compare women of color who want us to have Canada's healthcare system to these lunatics Republicans have elected. Dems don't elect their loonies.
Where was Mitch McConnell when democratic congressman Cohen called every white male in America terrorism suspects. That’s downright war rhetoric.

this bitch is just crazy. For every insane AOC, there is now going to be her mirror image voted in on the right.

What does that say about the people who agreed with her so much that they elected her over an equally conservative candidate? Are they all crazy as well?
Marjorie Taylor Green must be a good honest person for Mitch McConnell to say this about her.
The RNC should have been speaking out before the elections. I understand that it's hard for voters to be informed but somebody should have stopped this. This whole Q Squad thing is rediculous. What an embarasment to anyone who calls themselves a Republican.

The RNC and party leadership supported her opponent. They just did so lazily assuming the people in her district were smart enough not to elect her.
Why so many threads about crazy junior congresswomen?

I have to agree. Us Democrats should not give her the oxygen. The R’s did that to AOC and have her more power and influence than she would have had otherwise. The GOP in GA is going to gerrymander her out of a district this year and she will be gone.