Uh... are we just going to forget about the "WHERES YOUR KID AT" incident

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Dude deserved it. He beat his kid.

War Tony.
It's right up there with Bobby Southworth calling Leben a "fatherless bastard" as douchiest TUF moment of all time
Lol. What man would care if his dad took off as a kid. Being called a fatherless bastard is hardly something to get upset about.
Where's the boy, String?

I bet the whole story (background) didn't make it to the edit. Otherwise why would Tony say "beat me instead of your kid". It sounds like that other fighter was in trouble for being physically abusive toward his son, hence him being stripped of visitation rights.

Agreed. I'm not sure exactly what took place. But I do know that he was fighting in court just to get visitation rights back and that he was ordered a psych evaluation. That's also honestly all I need to know. I've seen plenty enough to understand what that means.
Yeah Tony's an add and has cringe worthy trash talk. Hell of a fighter though
I actually thought for years that it was T Ferg getting that yelled at him. I actually don't mind him saying that. You don't get your right to see your kid taken from you for nothing...
Who cares what Robbie Rotten had to say, he wont be champ all that long anyways.
Every time this is brought up and everyone acts shock, I realize how many people here don't actually have friends and go drinking. C'mon, I had a friend, cool as hell, the type of guy who would offer to help if you were moving, every time he got drunk he became an asshole always trying to fight everybody. I don't go drinking with this foo anymore.
I don't remember who it was, but whatever sherdogger suggested he cameo in that new Blake lively MAN where she is trying to regain custody of her children.....IS A FUCKIN GENIUS!
Forget about it, that's rich. Literally any fighter on the roster, and this increases as the fighter's popularity does, could have scammed five bucks out of a fellow ten year old in 1982 and people would bring it up in every thread.

Plus it's not like anyone needs a reminder that Tony is a dbag because he does that for you on the regular.
They should let Alex Jones cut a promo against "Hatchet Man of the CPS" Big Ferg; in the evil done by CPS.
That dude misquoted it. He yelled "Hit me instead of you kid".
Ok, that's what I'd thought I'd heard and that's the only reason I gave him a half pass on it.

Dude was in a custody battle and I got the idea that the fact that he'd hit his kid didn't look good on that. I don't know if he was abusing the kid or if it was a regular scenario where that was an archaic, but not overly damaging form of actual discipline, dispensed in an earnest attempt to train good behaviour.

So I gave Tony the benefit of the doubt and called it a grey area.
Dick move, for sure.
Rooted against him for some time because of this.

However, years of awesome fights made me a fan. After all, what matters is what happens inside the octagon.
That guy after "sticks and stones will break my bones, but words?? That's facts"

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