UFC 182 was a major disappointment

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Black Belt
Jun 7, 2012
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It's been a long time since i've been waiting up til 4 AM to see a card live, but like most here, i got caught up in the Jones - DC hype and really looked forward to the card.

There wasn't a single finish on the main card. Which is fine, plenty of great fights have ended in decisions, but there weren't any great fights on last night.

Lombard vs Burkman was meh. Lombard is a very good fighter, but he's so overrated on this site. Someone like Rory would tool him imo.

I like watching Horiguchi fight, but his fight wasn't really that great either.

Nate Marquardt looked so shot and old. He's not main card material anymore imo.

Cerrone vs Jury was the classical case of a young and up and coming fighter crashing into reality. Jury had nothing for Cerrone. Too bad, because i was really looking forward to that fight.

Jones vs DC was ok i suppose. There always was the chance that it was gonna be a clinchy dirty boxing affair, so i wasn't shocked that it be became one. Too bad that DC gassed, i though he did fairly well until he did. Very impressed by Jones wrestling, that has to be said.

All in all, this card didn't deliver. Not for me at least.
Agreed. First time I've stayed up late to watch the UFC in a long time. Now I remember why I stopped doing that.
On paper I didn't think it would be a very exciting card. Seems I was right. I did expect Jury/Cerrone to be more competitive and action packed. That was the one fight I thought would deliver.
Seeing Jones take down Cormier in the first minute of the fight was worth the $60.

I wish I could have seen the look on the faces of every single person predicting DC would ragdoll Jones for 5 rounds.
I was surprised burkman hung in there as good as he did. Either that or hector isn't as good as everyone thinks.
That's the way it goes sometimes.

Another card with 1/10th the star power could blow it out of the water fight entertainment wise. Cards with "big" names and fights have a lot more at stake so expect there to be a little bit more caution sometimes.
cormier jones was a fantastic fight. the rest of the main card played out pretty weak.
Agree. It was all about the ME, and it was ok, but Jones somewhat point fighting didn't help to make the ME what it was built up to be.
It's the first card I've bought in years, and I don't regret the purchase. Main and co maon were greatt
It's been a long time since i've been waiting up til 4 AM to see a card live, but like most here, i got caught up in the Jones - DC hype and really looked forward to the card.

There wasn't a single finish on the main card. Which is fine, plenty of great fights have ended in decisions, but there weren't any great fights on last night.

Lombard vs Burkman was meh. Lombard is a very good fighter, but he's so overrated on this site. Someone like Rory would tool him imo.

I like watching Horiguchi fight, but his fight wasn't really that great either.

Nate Marquardt looked so shot and old. He's not main card material anymore imo.

Cerrone vs Jury was the classical case of a young and up and coming fighter crashing into reality. Jury had nothing for Cerrone. Too bad, because i was really looking forward to that fight.

Jones vs DC was ok i suppose. There always was the chance that it was gonna be a clinchy dirty boxing affair, so i wasn't shocked that it be became one. Too bad that DC gassed, i though he did fairly well until he did. Very impressed by Jones wrestling, that has to be said.

All in all, this card didn't deliver. Not for me at least.

I AGREE it was the first UFC PPV I've ordered since 2011 and it reminded me why I stopped ordering UFC PPV's. MMA will always be my fav sport, but i'll be sticking with the free stuff for another long while. I knew Fury had nothing for CB.
I loved it. Yeah there was some moments where there wasn't much action, and all the main card fights went to decision, but that's just the way it goes sometimes.
I had a few wow moments in the main event, especially Jones taking DC down
Main event aside, it sucked.

I stayed up all night in the UK. Wish I had just woke up at 5.15 am for the main event.
I really don't get why ppl in USA generally pay $100 bucks to watch a payperview event, this value here in Brazil is like the whole cable bill for the month. Thats so absurdly expensive
They hyped it so much that it would have had to be like Shogun vs. Hendo in every fight to live up.. If you want to watch a guaranteed ass-kicking, watch Silva fight Nick Diaz(it's mismatch designed to produce a beating).

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