The European response to this is pathetic. I'm ashamed that I'm having these limp dicks supposedly representing the continent. Germany came out mumbling about bbbut borders can't change through violence. fucking embarrassing.
The only reasonable response from Europe that would actually gain some respect from trump would be if one of our leaders (i don't even know who it could be cause they're all bottom homos) came up and said something like - come and try to get it you fat fuck, we'll nuke the whole place and kill everybody on it before we let anyone take it, and we'll vaporize the few thousand idiots on it that think they can make negotiations over the collective security of 500 million people of Europe.
That would be a normal way to start talks about what he wants. that's how you talk to trump, not all this babble about rights and laws. America needs a European ally continent who's not a bunch of gimps.