International Trump unveils Middle East peace plan with two-state solution, tunnel connecting West Bank and Gaza

Dude you're getting completely owned by quite possibly the single dumbest person in the war room. You'd think maybe after the 5 or so time he responded with a question you'd realize it and give up? You could have a more productive discussion with a rock.

Everyone acts like this subforum isn't apart of a larger social media ethos.

That our individual actions don't matter.

Of course my individual actions don't matter, in a vacuum.

We don't exist in a vacuum.

My actions, combine with other people's actions, and together make a actual difference.

I don't think I am going to change these folks minds. I'm trying to change the mind of the lurkers, and the silent majority.
Why would that be?

You seem to be making about 10 different assumptions all at once.
Becuase there have been around 30 countries formed since 1990 and youre mum on those. Palestine borders two other countries and you have nothing to say about them. You only attack one country and say it’s because they control the world with their money. It’s an odd stance with some intangible common link
Yeah well, I say too fucking bad. The Palestinians were there prior to WWII, the Jews were johnny come lately. They BOTH have religious ties to Jerusalem you'd wish the morons running both groups could fucking sit down and calm down the zealots on their side.

I feel for the Palestinians but there's also a part of me that when you hear about another bombing at a fucking shoe store or something I facepalm pretty hard cause my brain is like "now you just gave an excuse to Israel to drop more rockets on some residential street"
Just finished the book Jerusalem. By Simon sebag montefiore. Can definently recommend. The 3 great religions are never going to agree on Jerusalem.
Dont know. But all you hear about is a two party state. Its been offered. The Muslim terrorists that run Gaza keep changing the goal posts. They want to wipe them off the map. Honestly, this is a creation of their own doing. I dont feel sorry for the Palestinian people at all. This is what you get when you let terrorists run your shit and use you as a shield. Ill feel sorry for them when they actually kick these religious, backwards, stuck in the dark ages, terrorists out of their land.

If u consider 2 state to mean Isreal has absolute and total control over Palestine and they get no say in anything, sure.

Only stupid or ignorant people think 2 state has been offered though.
Edit : maybe add to OP the proposed delimitations of the territory Trump posted on Twitter. Does this look like a country to anyone ? Its laughable.

Why would you massively deport people living in their homes ? Btw, it has already been done in the past.

The 1948 Palestinian exodus, also known as the Nakba (Arabic: النكبة‎, al-Nakbah, literally "disaster", "catastrophe", or "cataclysm"),[1]occurred when more than 700,000 Palestinian Arabs — about half of prewar Palestine's Arab population — fled or were expelled from their homes, during the 1948 Palestine war.[2]Between 400 and 600 Palestinian villageswere sacked during the war, while urban Palestine was almost entirely extinguished.[3]

Israel wants either a peace that is very advantageous to them (keeping their settlements, give no water or air space, etc) or to continue settling until they have colonized so much territory that no reversal is possible (which is already the case imo). Palestinians want a fair peace, but they don't realize that, unfortunately, might is right in international relationships ; the West does what it wants & Israeli lobbies control the most powerful Westerb nation.

Palestinans want a fair peace? Palestinians idea of a fair peace is to wipe Israel off the map.
In 2006, isreal said they were going to invade lebanon, reach Beirut, destroy hezbollah as a group, and stop the rockets.

the ground invasion began on July 23rd, and isreal was bitch slapped so incredibly hard, that they retreated SIX DAYS LATER. Then proceeded to bomb the civilians of souther Beirut in retaliation of getting their asses handed to them.
In that instance to a degree, but the history of Israel is for the most part them bitch slapping all and sundry who tried to attack them.
A good model would be that of Lebanon where Christians, Shia and Sunni share power in a Confessionalist/Secular framework. This of course would signal the end of Zionism which I'm guessing is a non-starter for hard line right wing Israelis.

Uhmmm...and left wing...and center...
Just look at the people involved in this.
Putin. Bibi. Trump. Kushner. That’s just laughable. But it’s hard to deal with people who don’t think you have the right to exist. There is room for compromise on paper, but no one will. Sad.
Dude, look at this plan.

It makes Jerusalum, all of Jerusalum the Israeli capital, and gives the palestineans some desert area with nothing but sand.

The zealots on both sides will never make peace.

I say we put America first and start selling arms to the Palestineans too, and let them fight.

Jesus. If you're going to try to tell people you know what you're talking about on this subject, at least learn how to spell Jerusalem.
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Are you seriously pretending Sheldon Adelson isn't a agent of the Israeli government, just because he holds duel citizenship?

It's dual. And Adelson isn't a dual citizen.

Btw, where's the outrage about a member of Congress retweeting a completely erroneous report that Israelis killed a Palestinian boy. Why does Rashida Tlaib give such a fuck? She's got nothing better to do? She's an American right?

There's your dual loyalty...and nobody gives a damn.
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Uhmmm...and left wing...and center...

Well, I'm thinking that left wing and centrist Israelis would be more willing to share the land for peace compared to the right wing Zionists. I don't think a one state solution has ever been given any consideration by Likud.
It shows.

Haha, holy shit did not think the Palestinians were that outgunned. Figured the rockets were at least destructive to infrastructure but man that's nothing. And don't most of them get intercepted anyway? The idea that this is a "conflict" with roughly comparable actors is a big farce, the Palestinians are about as much of a threat to Israel as Indian tribes are to the US. Probably less since Indians can actually leave their reservations.

Probably the saddest part about your analogy is that it suggest the Palestinians are invested in a sort of conflict re-enactment economy, as if Indians were forced to put on costumes and reenact their battles with the US Army to entertain tourists. Without that reenactment drama, they’d be left to just sit in their reservation land and despair.

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