Trump should have picked Dr. Carson as his VP/running mate.


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Apr 22, 2007
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The biggest weakness of the Trump campaign, so far & going forward, is going to be trying to combat the notion that he is a Hitler-esque figure, a narrative that is already fairly widespread, & will only increase exponentially as the election gets closer. Hillary & her supports will ramp this up dramatically.

By picking a respectable black man as his VP, Trump would have largely cut this notion off at the head. Having Dr. Carson at his side for every speech, a devout Christian, would have gone a long way towards defending against people painting the picture that he is some kind of white power tyrant.

Instead, he picked this guy.


A non-starter his base isn't crazy about one way or the other, and easy for the opposition to write off. 'Rich white guy'. Which will play into Hillary's hands. And it didn't buy him anything.

Donald done goofed.
I don't think doubling up on the crazy/incompetent factor would have helped him. Plus, his primary appeal is white identity politics. Carson would alienate a lot of his supporters.
The problem with Ben is its only a matter of time until he lets the country know as a member of a very fundamentalist sect of seventh-day adventism he believes the Great Wall of China is actually a grain silo created for the Goa'uld system lord Yu-Huang Shang Ti.
I actually liked Ben Carson.

I don't know if his vp pick is a bad one or not. I admit I'm not excited about it.
I don't think doubling up on the crazy/incompetent factor would have helped him. Plus, his primary appeal is white identity politics. Carson would alienate a lot of his supporters.
I don't buy the narrative that Trump's base are crazy racist people. I think a lot of republicans respect Dr. Carson, and a VP slot would have provided an easy counter to the massive amount of 'you're a racist' stuff they are going to be hit with during this campaign.
No way. Carson was already savaged by the liberal media, called an Uncle Tom and a lunatic. Completely discredited. Plus, you can't have two politicial novices on the ticket.

I think they should have went with a legit conservative LGBTQBBQ black trans woman with a Mexican wife. That would have been ideal.
I think they should have went with a legit conservative LGBTQBBQ black trans woman with a Mexican wife. That would have been ideal.

Hmm, Caitlyn is a republican...
The Don can stick Ben in TV commercials or something.

Picking him as a VP would be as idiotic as McCain picking Palin.

Having both a POTUS and VP without having spent a decent amount of time in the world of politics is not a good idea.
You're right Petey, that would have been a good move

But Drumph is a fuckin idiot

He might has well picked mickey mouse for as serious as I take him
Carson is like a narcoleptic with Asperger's- it's as if he's dreaming aloud with no filter. I don't know though, it could be 6 or a half dozen, looking at this proto-Aryan queer hating shitstick that made the cut.
Carson is like a narcoleptic with Asperger's- it's as if he's dreaming aloud with no filter. I don't know though, it could be 6 or a half dozen, looking at this proto-Aryan queer hating shitstick that made the cut.

One thing that they have in common is that both of their campaigns were primarily cons.
carson is fucking nuts and is no way qualified to be president if trump dieded
Trump was probably worried if they disagreed on a issue Dr. Ben would stab him in the belt buckle.
Why not? You think they like his policy platform?

I think Trump's base's main motivation in this election is keeping Hillary out of office.

Same as Hillary's base's favorite thing about her is that she is not Trump.