Elections Trump Now Indicted For Conspiracy To Defraud In Washington DC

And the dumbest posters cheer and foam at the mouth. What a wild world we live in. To see one man charged for a psyop. And see the man charging him is guilty of the very crime he is persecuting his opponey for clear as day.


fucking cope harder buddy. lol.
And the dumbest posters cheer and foam at the mouth. What a wild world we live in. To see one man charged for a psyop. And see the man charging him is guilty of the very crime he is persecuting his opponey for clear as day.
you're the one who believes that the entire justice system is rigged against Trump. Calling us dumb is quite the irony.

But I'm just going to interpret this as you having a hard day and I can always offer you my shoulder to cry on
Teflon Don,

More like Tread on Don…
ahh...getting to the truth of what you chuds want.

I don't think I qualify on the internet definition of a chud, I'm just exhausted by Trump and the never ending stream of bullshit that comes with him. You are aware that I want Biden gone too and need someone besides Trump to win the primary
I don't think I qualify on the internet definition of a chud, I'm just exhausted by Trump and the never ending stream of bullshit that comes with him. You are aware that I want Biden gone too and need someone besides Trump to win the primary

The problem is, the Democrats have all but ensured Trump will win the primary with this crap. Operation Crossfire Hurricane proved the DOJ / FBI was working with the Democrats. It was a psyop. Then we had that ridiculous Sexual Assault Trial. Bragg's charges are for stupid people. It's an abuse of the system and people will make Trump a martyr because of it.

I too want someone else, but he's what we are going to get thanks to the ridiculous abuses in the Justice system and with the DOJ / FBI directed towards the Orange Ogre.
Yes.... yes... let the butt hurt flow when someone shares the obvious with you Left Cult types.

Trump is an asshole. But, watching the system be subverted by the Democrats so hard will only gain Trump support.

yeah...just like orange cosby's first impeachment when according to the magats, impeaching the orange rapist meant destroying brandons chances of winning the election and giving the republicans a lock in 2020. what happened there?

remember that? a hundred bazillion magats were supposed to be outraged and crawl out of their hosts just to vote against brandon or whatever and it was supposed to secure molestini cheetolini's chances of re-election teehee! instead, molestini cheetolini had the most amount of people in the history of the nations elections turn out just to vote against him and kick him to the gutter. aside from losing the presidency, they also lost the house, the senate, and trump's twitter account. suck on that libtards!

whats next? is the orange rapist going to prison just to own the libs? is orange cosby facing accountability for his crimes supposed to inflict the maximum damage to the left?

is this what winning is supposed to look like? "Dear god no, they better not prosecute my beloved sexual predator for some more of his crimes, otherwise on his sentencing day i just might throw another toddler tantrum on the streets and beat up a bunch of cops, and then go get myself arrested just to own the libs!"

the mental gymnastics these people have to play to try to defend an twice-impeached, multiple-time indicted, election-losing rapist is quite remarkable. "yeah they better not hold my dear Mango Molesto accountable for his crimes because punishing him will only own the libs by drumming up support for him and making him win in 2020...2024...2028...etc." this is some next level cope right here.
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This is all really funny and I'm enjoying it but anyone thinking he's gonna suffer any real consequences needs to temper their expectations. Even if gets convicted AND loses iin 2024 he'll get his sentence commuted. If he can run out the clock on some of these cases and he manages to win in 2024 they all go away.

He's never setting foot in jail.
i agree, but its nice to see the cunt sweat, maybe he will have a seizure on the stand and end his life in ignomy..
I don't think I qualify on the internet definition of a chud, I'm just exhausted by Trump and the never ending stream of bullshit that comes with him. You are aware that I want Biden gone too and need someone besides Trump to win the primary

i'm tired of the derangement and circus surrounding him, but i'm not about to throw him out just to end the clownshow, cause A. he's not the problem and B. it won't end the clownshow.
i'm tired of the derangement and circus surrounding him, but i'm not about to throw him out just to end the clownshow, cause A. he's not the problem and B. it won't end the clownshow.
he's not the problem? These are very serious accusations he's up against. If he's found guilty (and let's face it, he will be found guilty), this means he did some really treasonous things like trying to overthrow election results among all the other stuff he did. He absolutely deserves what's coming.
he's not the problem? These are very serious accusations he's up against. If he's found guilty (and let's face it, he will be found guilty), this means he did some really treasonous things like trying to overthrow election results among all the other stuff he did. He absolutely deserves what's coming.

this is how the left operates.

clown nose on
clown nose off

clown nose on: 8 years of smears, lying, screaming, screeching, hollering, get him, we're gonna get him, make it up we don't care, kill his reputation, russian collusion, pee tapes, impeach him, i'm running for office to get him, we will get trump, walls are closing in, orangeman bad

clown nose off: these are very serious charges don't you know. you don't respect laws? 99% conviction rate. nobody is above the law, don't you agree? this is very serious.

bitches, please. we can see the sickness oozing out behind your mask of sanity. this is trump derangement and these charges are fake, they never would have been brought if he wasn't running. we all know what this is. spare us the act and be your true trump deranged selves.
this is how the left operates.

clown nose on
clown nose off

clown nose on: 8 years of smears, lying, screaming, screeching, hollering, get him, we're gonna get him, make it up we don't care, kill his reputation, russian collusion, pee tapes, impeach him, i'm running for office to get him, we will get trump, walls are closing in, orangeman bad

clown nose off: these are very serious charges don't you know. you don't respect laws? 99% conviction rate. nobody is above the law, don't you agree? this is very serious.

bitches, please. we can see the sickness oozing out behind your mask of sanity. this is trump derangement and these charges are fake, they never would have been brought if he wasn't running. we all know what this is. spare us the act and be your true trump deranged selves.
Nice yellows, only back a few weeks and doing a
impersonation, I give you a month..
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this is how the left operates.

clown nose on
clown nose off

clown nose on: 8 years of smears, lying, screaming, screeching, hollering, get him, we're gonna get him, make it up we don't care, kill his reputation, russian collusion, pee tapes, impeach him, i'm running for office to get him, we will get trump, walls are closing in, orangeman bad

clown nose off: these are very serious charges don't you know. you don't respect laws? 99% conviction rate. nobody is above the law, don't you agree? this is very serious.

bitches, please. we can see the sickness oozing out behind your mask of sanity. this is trump derangement and these charges are fake, they never would have been brought if he wasn't running. we all know what this is. spare us the act and be your true trump deranged selves.

the indictments are fake, the grand jury is fake, the judge and jury and prosecutors all have TDS, the courts are rigged, everything and everyone is out to get my beloved orange election-losing rapist just for simply existing...yada yada. yeah yeah. we've heard that all before from you. your perpetual victimhood runs strong.

heres an idea for you to think about. if you break the law, you can be held legally responsible for your crimes and can be punished with monetary fines, terms of imprisonment, and many other types of penalties.

hey, now thats a strange concept right?

i dont know about you, but i dont have indictments on 71 felony counts, and i dont have any federal prosecutors coming to my door and telling me that i'm about to be indicted for more felonies either. but then again, i never taken any of my campaign money and used it to pay off a whore that i cheated on my wife with, i've never taken government property including classified and top secret documents and then hid them inside of my bathroom and then lied to the government and the courts about having them, and i never got mad about losing an election and incited an insurrection either, so i don't expect to be charged with those kind of crimes any time soon. funny how that works hey?

i know one thing though, i wouldnt go out and try to commit those same crimes myself. after all, if a former president can be charged for such crimes, than so could i! law and order baby! the party of personal acountability!

the chickens are coming home to roost and it won't be long now until you filthy magats and the orange rapist who you all so dearly admire are wallowing in your own shit. tick tock motherfucker.
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